John Aldrich wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> >
> > John....thanks, yeah, I might.  That is, I might if/when it supports
> > html (-:
> >
> Your loss, my friend. :-) It will allow you to READ HTML OK, but
> trying to reply to messages is a real pain.... and the incoming
> word-wrap doesn't always work well, either. :-) Hey, no one said it
> was perfect, but, IMNSHO, it's got many of the best features of
> Outlook Express w/o the bloated tie-in to a specific browser, as well
> as other problems with OE. :-)
>         John

John....ok, if I agree that I'll look at it again when KDE 2 comes out
will you get off the soapbox? (-:  But I honestly believe we'll still
disagree, even then, because we differ even in the orientation of our
smileys (yours are upside down). (-: 


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