On 24 Sep 2003 05:30:42 +0700, Merlin Zener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Maybe the helpful answerers expect things too. 
> Someone suggested [I'm sorry, I don't know who - Evolution is acting
> up again: emails open up with blank windows - but that's a topic for
> another thread] that I try "locate", but when I do, all I get is
> "command not found". And "man locate" gets me "No manual entry for
> locate". All I'm saying is, clearly the answerer in that case expected
> I would have "locate" installed already... 

It may not be installed. Do "urpmi slocate" as root (slocate is the name
of the improved command which replaces locate. However, "locate" still
works because it is symlinked to the new command (symlink ~= shortcut)).

Then, as root again, do "updatedb" to create the database it searches.
When it has finished, try to locate something.

While you're at it, install anacron, too, unless you leave your computer
on 24/7. When you boot, it starts the tasks that cron didn't do whilst
the PC was off. This includes an updatedb every day.

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