On Tue, 26 Oct 1999,Thomas J. Hamman wrote:
  | On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, mshirley wrote:
  | > With all the problems with 6.1, is there a way to 
  | > make an updated 6.0 CD so that all the updates are 
  | > installed automagically?  IE, I put the CD in, and
  | > run install, etc, and get the new kernal, initscripts,
  | > and heck even the new 2.2.13 kernal and XFree86 even.
  | > Is there a file used for installation that says what files 
  | > are on the CD?
  | Technically you could, yes.  You'd just remove the packages you're replacing
  | from Mandrake/RPMS, put the newer packages you want to use in Mandrake/RPMS,
  | and then from the base of the distribution tree run:
  | ./misc/genhdlist .
  | To update the hdlist with the new packages.
  | That's what I did when I made an updated M6.0 CD (with the updates specifically
  | for 6.0).  I can foresee you possibly having dependency problems when trying to
  | mix 6.1 packages in, though; it's quite likely that there are slightly newer
  | versions for some libraries (like gtk, qt, etc.) in 6.1 that some packages in
  | 6.1 depend on, so you would need to add them too (and might as well toss in the
  | newer development packages while you're at it).  But THEN you MIGHT (or might
  | not, your guess is as good as mine) break some of the 6.0 packages that are
  | linked with slightly older libraries from 6.0.
  | If you haven't actually tried 6.1 yet, I'd suggest giving it a try.  It works
  | great for me, and my impression of it is that it's less buggy than 6.0.  There
  | were some updates for 6.0 that ya just HAD to get, but I didn't even bother
  | getting the 6.1 updates until I was burning a CD for a friend and figured I
  | might as well put the existing updates on it.
  | > Secondly, once I get this ready, can it be burnt in *GAK* 
  | > Windows, or do I actually need to figure out XCDroast?
  | As far as I know, burning in Windows should be fine.  Though I don't know if
  | Windows burning programs allow you to use Rock Ridge extensions?  I'd think you
  | would want a Linux CD burned with Rock Ridge extensions (it's like the Linux
  | version of Windows' Joliet).
  | -Tom

Mandrake 6.1 works great here. The only problem I have found is that there
apears to be a conflict between the kcmclock package and the kdelibs package.
If you have this problem, remove the kcmclock package, and install the kdelibs
package in kpackage. Problem solved!


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