On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,John Aldrich wrote:
  | On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  | > The solution, then is to create the partitions using the DOS fdisk utility,
  | > including the ones you want for Linux. Then restart the 'puter, and run fdisk
  | > again, but this time remove the partitions you want for Linux. Install Win9x,
  | > then install Linux, recreating the partitions with disk druid. I think this will
  | > work.
  | > 
  | The problem with this, is that it makes the Linux
  | partitions visible to Windows, which, I've heard, can cause
  | corruption, as Windows tries to "fix" the "grunged" file
  | system and can't.


Even if yoy create the partitions in DOS, restart in DOS, remove the partitions
for Linux, restart in DOS, Install Win, restart with Linux installer and create
the partitions again with disk druid, DOS will still see the Linux partitions,
and try to "fix" them? Hmmm... I didn't know that. I never tried it before for
Linux, but it sounded right. I just thought that when the partitions were
removed in DOS, they would just be empty space on the disk, or extended
partition. Then you could do anything you wanted to with the space. Guess
I gave the Redmond boys too much credit this time. Thanks for seting me


  | >
  | > A more expensive solution, but much easier
  | > is to get PartitionMagic, and > do the job with it. You
  | > can resize, move, and reformat partitions at will. >
  | > Anything but formatting will not destroy the information
  | > on the partitions. > It's a great tool, and I recomend it
  | > highly. The bad news is the cost - about > $70.00 here in
  | > Toledo, Ohio USA. 
  | >  
  | The good news is, a version is included on most packaged
  | versions of Linux these days (at least RedHat and Mandrake
  | versions. <G>)
  | >
  | > I use it, because as my needs change, I
  | > don't have to do a rebuild to rearange my partitions. I
  | > started out with 2 Gig for Linux, and 6 Gig for Win95. Now
  | > it's about half and half (4 Gigs each). 
  | >
  | Yeah...it's pretty useful! :-)
  |     John

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