Job Evers wrote:
On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 13:38:30 -0400
JoeHill wrote:

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 12:52:33 -0400
et disseminated the following:

How many people have actually *paid* for XP Pro anyway? There's prolly
more pirated copies out there than legit. IIRC, I never forked over a
single dime for Windows or any software that ran on it. Then I found
out I could go legit(well, okay, the MPAA might have a few issues with
me), get a better OS, with all the software I needed, and still not
pay a dime. I can see a lot of other people making the same discovery.

I unfortunately have two legal copies of XP. One copy came with my Gateway laptop even though I begged them not to put it on there (The CD is still in the original shrink wrap). The other copy was received as part of a 'special' Microsoft was having on campus in which they gave away copies of XP to students.

Just about anybody who buys a new computer gets stuck buying a copy of XP!

I've managed to avoid XP so far. My previous computer came with the standard - presumably pirated - copy of Win98 (first edition - gaaah!) and my new box came with nothing. To the credit of the people in the shop, they didn't bat an eyelid when I asked for a bare box and specified that all the hardware had to be Linux-compatible.

Sir Robin

"If the lion could speak, we would not understand it."
- Wittgenstein

Robin Turner
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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