On Saturday 19 Mar 2005 02:18, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
> Yes - following  the johnwyles instructions gives me the display on the
> camera as he describes ie USB connect, PTP.  I've checked and double
> checked and libphoto2, gphoto2 and gtkam are all installed.
> When I open gtkam the window display is as johnwyles describes.  I try each
> USB port, no camera is selected/detected.  So I tried selecting Sony
> DSC-F707V as per his page.  Try all the ports again, but still get "no
> cameras detected".
> As I say, I've read the contributors fixes, but they are for other
> distribs, and not clear to me anyway.  I had previously tried digikam
> because it was already installed.
Does HardDrake recognise the camera?  Have you tried booting with it plugged 
in?  (Not that you'd have to do that every time, but it sometimes helps to 
get something recognised in the first place.)  I have often found that it 
helps to run HardDrake after plugging in a removable device, which is really 
what this is.

The other problem is that with 10.1 you meet the problem of the floating sdx  
- where the mount point can change its name every time you try it, so any 
mount that's set up will not find the drive.  You may have to use HardDrake 
to see what device name it has, then amend your mount-point to match.  A 

Lastly, I'd recommend getting the latest packages for Digikam.  The ones with 
the distro are fairly old, and it sometimes helps.  I'm running 

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