On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Dennis wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:27:52 -0600, you wrote:
> It sounds like a modem problem.  Such as wrong irq being selected, or
> other.   If it was a winmodem it shouldnt work at all in linux, but it
> really sounds like it can be traced pretty much to a problem either in
> the modem itself or the configuration of same in linux.
It's not the modem lets just everybody take that off the list, were the
modem flaky he'd have speratic(yep ax's spelling sucks) connection to
sites outside his isp.  
> >A week ago, I installed Mandrake 6.0 on my second PC -- my first attempt at
> >a dual-boot system.  While initial installation was simpler on this one than
> >the first one, I cannot get my Internet connection to work. Unfortunately,
> >it was necessary for my first PC to revert to *shudder* Windows, so I cannot
> >use it for net access.
> >
> >I'm using KPPP and the connection is dialed up correctly, but I can only
> >access websites within my ISP's domain.  When trying to access, say,
> >www.linux-mandrake.com, Netscape gives me a "TCP Error: Network is
> >unreachable".  So I tried pinging outside my ISP's domain and got "ping:
> >sendto: Network is unreachable".  This is not a temporary problem, as I have
> >been struggling with it for 5 days without any sort of revelation.

enable the debug for pppd and kppp (we're interested in the "remote ip"
"local  ip", send portion of var/log/messages with these)
also the output of "ifconfig ppp0" "route -n" and
contents of "/etc/resolv.conf"

> >My connection to this ISP works fine in Windows. My ISP does supposedly
> >support Linux and is the only one in my town that does.  Unfortunately, it
> >costs $25 per housecall for on-site support, and the tech doesn't want to
> >tell me what to do in order to fix my own problem.  It would also appear
> >that my ISP only wants to support RedHat Linux, as the tech went into a rant
> >about how "Mandrake is just a hacked-up verson of RedHat" when I emailed
> >them for help.
> >
> >Here is what I have tried:
> >netcfg (at the suggestion of my ISP)  = same result
> >upgrade to the  ppp-2_3_8-1mdk_i586.rpm
> >upgrade to the  kdenetwork-1.1.1final-7mdk.i586.rpm
> >upgrade to Netscape 4.61stable
> >
> >Is this really a problem with my Linux, a problem with my ISP, or the fabled
> >wrath of the Penguin?  If a Linux problem, how do I fix it?
> >
> >Thanks in advance,
> >Jeremy Kersenbrock
> >

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