On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 20:46:53 -0700 (MST), you wrote:

>On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Dennis wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:27:52 -0600, you wrote:
>> It sounds like a modem problem.  Such as wrong irq being selected, or
>> other.   If it was a winmodem it shouldnt work at all in linux, but it
>> really sounds like it can be traced pretty much to a problem either in
>> the modem itself or the configuration of same in linux.
>It's not the modem lets just everybody take that off the list, were the
>modem flaky he'd have speratic(yep ax's spelling sucks) connection to
>sites outside his isp.  

Not necessarily.  Incorrect irq or comport settings may allow a
connect to the ISP but not allow anything past that point and it would
be consistant.  I know...it happened to me a good while back.
>> >A week ago, I installed Mandrake 6.0 on my second PC -- my first attempt at
>> >a dual-boot system.  While initial installation was simpler on this one than
>> >the first one, I cannot get my Internet connection to work. Unfortunately,
>> >it was necessary for my first PC to revert to *shudder* Windows, so I cannot
>> >use it for net access.
>> >
>> >I'm using KPPP and the connection is dialed up correctly, but I can only
>> >access websites within my ISP's domain.  When trying to access, say,
>> >www.linux-mandrake.com, Netscape gives me a "TCP Error: Network is
>> >unreachable".  So I tried pinging outside my ISP's domain and got "ping:
>> >sendto: Network is unreachable".  This is not a temporary problem, as I have
>> >been struggling with it for 5 days without any sort of revelation.
>enable the debug for pppd and kppp (we're interested in the "remote ip"
>"local  ip", send portion of var/log/messages with these)
>also the output of "ifconfig ppp0" "route -n" and
>contents of "/etc/resolv.conf"

All of those are good diagnostics.  And all appeared as they should
when a similar problem as this guy has happened to me.
When linux is looking for a modem at one address but the hardware
places it elsewhere, it can still work after a fashion, just not
correctly or consistantly.   
I still suspect a possible link to an incorrect irq or address

But hey....no one is perfect.

>> >My connection to this ISP works fine in Windows. My ISP does supposedly
>> >support Linux and is the only one in my town that does.  Unfortunately, it
>> >costs $25 per housecall for on-site support, and the tech doesn't want to
>> >tell me what to do in order to fix my own problem.  It would also appear
>> >that my ISP only wants to support RedHat Linux, as the tech went into a rant
>> >about how "Mandrake is just a hacked-up verson of RedHat" when I emailed
>> >them for help.
>> >
>> >Here is what I have tried:
>> >netcfg (at the suggestion of my ISP)  = same result
>> >upgrade to the  ppp-2_3_8-1mdk_i586.rpm
>> >upgrade to the  kdenetwork-1.1.1final-7mdk.i586.rpm
>> >upgrade to Netscape 4.61stable
>> >
>> >Is this really a problem with my Linux, a problem with my ISP, or the fabled
>> >wrath of the Penguin?  If a Linux problem, how do I fix it?
>> >
>> >Thanks in advance,
>> >Jeremy Kersenbrock
>> >

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