> Well folks, I've had the opposite experience from most of you with Mandrake
> 7.  I've yet to have it crash, which is not so with Win 98 SE.  I have a new
> (three week old) Athlon 600 with 192 megs of memory and two 13.5 hd's Windows
> on the first, Linux on the second.  A couple of things I have noticed.

a.  When I installed an ATI Rage Pro 128  AGP graphics card on the pc (a
slower, Diamond Stealth PCI card came with it) Linux immediately picked up the
card and formatted itself for the new graphic settings (a feature I understand
is new with Mandrake 7).  On the other hand, I am still trying to get Windows
98 to recognize the d.... card.   It wants to set itself as a low resolution
generic vga PCI graphics card and won't budge.

b.  The SETI program takes about 25 hours to run through an iteration on
Windows 98, and just about 12 hours on Linux, even when I use the xseti
graphics interface (which I don't really care for).

c.  After working on word processing, spreadsheet, web browsing and seti on
Windows for about 12 hours my system memory is down to about 65%  but I seem to
have no such problem on Linux.

d.  Linux will only recognize the memory above 64 megs if I log in at Lilo with
"Linux mem =192mb" -- even though I have added that line manually to the
lilo.conf file. That seems strange (any suggestions?).

I am yet to have a problem with Netscape 7 (though I had many with earlier
versions), but I do agree that Linux will be of much more use when programs
like Quicken and Turbo Tax are ported to it.  However, I fear that (as much as
I dislike Microsoft and Mr. Gates) we are just tasting what the rest of the PC
world will taste if that company is broken up and there is no de facto standard
OS.  I am new to Linux but I remember the pre-microsoft days when there was
Apple and dozens of CPM computers, each with their own flavor and disk format.
It was pure H... getting software that would work on any given PC.  A vendor
might have the Kaypro version but not the Eagle version, and you couldn't read
disks for another pc without an elaborate and expensive and not always
dependable translation program.  Hence, many companies didn't put out really
good software until MS/PC DOS hit the market.

All in all I really like Linux, but then my primary occupation is as a writer
and the Star suite by Sun Microsystems is pretty adequate for that.

Enough of MY opinion.  Does anyone have a proposed fix for my memory
recognition problem?

Charles Wackerman

> Hi folks
> I lurk much of the time here but do have to comment on the Windows vs Linux
> debate.
> Couple comments/observations from our 4 systems at home and two at work:
> Use both Windows and Linux (Mandrake 7.0) extensively (I like Chevys AND
> Fords too)
> Never crash Windows 98 or NT - perform routine file maintenance and defrags
> Crash X-Windows and Netscape in Linux frequently
> Netscape really does suck
> do not like font selection in KDE/Linux but need to learn how to load new
> ones
> As far as productivity goes, I am much more productive with Windows for my
> type of work. I am an AutoCAD/GIS specialist, also do desktop publishing and
> web page design, and photography. Linux is very fun and I could use it all
> the time if it were up to par with the selection of programs available for
> Windows, font selection, and had a good CAD/GIS program.
> Lets keep an open mind here folks.
> Just my .02.
> > Since it's the weekend,
> > :o)
> >
> > rant on
> >
> > Linux is very stable and beats windows all over the place.
> >
> > But,
> >
> > until the Linux community gets this web browser "crap" resolved, to me,
> > Linux ain't worth the CD it is shipped on.
> >
> > 90% of my usage is surfing the internet.
> > IE 4 has problems, and 5 is worse, but Netscape dying at random is
> > unacceptable.
> >
> > M14 sucks and Netscape 6, well, ain't much better.
> >
> > rant off
> >
> > And we thank you for your support......
> >
> >
> > ----Original Message Follows----
> > From: Ribbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] lots of crashes???
> > Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 20:50:30 +0700
> >
> > On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Mohamed Saad wrote:
> >
> >  > well... here are the crashes!
> >  > KDE: I was opening 2 windows of Netscape. And
> >  > suddenly, the whole system freezed! I just could move
> >  > the mouse! but i can't do anything! I had to press
> >  > ctrl+alt+backspace to log out! and it worked!
> >
> > well that means your linux still worked and not crash.
> > just one application crashed, it was X problem.
> >
> >  > KDE: I pressed Log Out, the screen turned black, and i
> >  > couldn't Do any thing! i had to press "Reset"
> >  > Xfce3: It was my first time to even see it! i just
> >  > used it for 15 seconds!! :) i pressed the button with
> >  > the penguin, and the whole system freezed!! I had to
> >  > press "reset"
> >
> > next time try to log from another console and kill the X.
> >
> >  > Gnome: I was just moving around... It suddenly made a
> >  > GPF, and told me that this may be due to a bug, and
> >  > they gave some email to report at! (this is not really
> >  > serious, as it didn't really crash the system!)
> >
> > try to reconfigure your X server.
> > run Xconfigurator or XF86setup.
> > make sure you choose properly
> >
> >  > The point is... Why do people say that linux is "ROCK
> >  > SOLID"?? it is NOT "rock solid"! It is just," more
> >  > solid than Windows!"
> >  > I was just wondering!! :)
> >  >
> >
> > sure linux is ROCK solid.
> > my school server runs with linux and it have 2 year uptime now.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Rib
> >
> > During the voyage of life, remember to keep an eye out for a fair wind;
> > batten
> > down during a storm; hail all passing ships; and fly your colors proudly.
> >
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
> > Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> >

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