On 13 Jun 00, at 21:47, Fred Hamilton wrote:

> correct amount of RAM, but it still only reports 64Mb. How can I fix this, 
> or do I need to worry about it?

At the LILO prompt specify the amount of RAM. BTW, how did you get 
164MB RAM on your machine? 128+32=160. Maybe, you don't have 164MB 

> Next, how do I install software from TAR or GZ format? I know how to 
> install packages, but I downloaded a file in GZ format and opened it with 
> the software that came with Mandrake, but I could not figure out what to do 
> next? I mean in Windows there is always a setup.exe, but what about Linux? 

Read the manual pages for tar. In a terminal, man tar, or type tar --
help. That will show you many options. A .tar.gz package is a gzipped 
version of the actual install files. 

> I know I can extract these files, but I did not know what to do after that. 
> I saw no executables or installation routines. (See I am a newbie!) 
> Example, I have this file: so51a_lnx_01.tar so how do I install it? Once I 
> install it, does it automatically appear on the menu for execution?

At the bash or what ever shell you are using, type 
tar -zvf full_package_name. Then your staroffice application will be 
untarred to a /opt directory. Go there and read the Readme files. 
IIRC, there were options for a network or a single user configuration.
For help on installing staroffice, there maybe some help at 
www.mandrakeuser.org. Anyway, man tar and read everything.

Life is pain, Highness.
Anyone who says differently is selling something
        - Westley of "The Princess Bride" 

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