> hi all:
> well I tried installing a software that has been proven by many scientists
> to work w/ a PC windows, Linux and Unix systems.  I finished unzipping them
> and untarring them and gave the command './configure and so forth' and guess
> what message i got....
> my gcc and C compiler is not working (?). any suggestions would be helpful,
> I have LM 7.0 version.

I had this same problem and it took me FOREVER to find out how to fix

What I did was make sure that all the development libraries and kernel
headres were installed. They should all be on your Mandrake CD.

If you don't know what to look for, have no fear; the RPM's on the CD
have VERY descriptive names. The ones with devel- in them should be
development tools/libraries and the kernel headers should have the words
'Kernel-header' or something to this effect in their filenames.

Hope This helped!!

                                                                adam eubank

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