On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > > Next, how do I install software from TAR or GZ format? I know how to
> > > install packages, but I downloaded a file in GZ format and opened it with
> > > the software that came with Mandrake, but I could not figure out what to do
> > > next? I mean in Windows there is always a setup.exe, but what about Linux?
> > > I know I can extract these files, but I did not know what to do after that.
> > > I saw no executables or installation routines. (See I am a newbie!)
> > > Example, I have this file: so51a_lnx_01.tar so how do I install it? Once I
> > > install it, does it automatically appear on the menu for execution?
> > 
> > Compiling from source: Every newbies nightmare.
> TELL me about it! I just did it for the first time about a week ago. It
> took me FOREVER to figure it out because MDK 7.02 didn't install the
> right development libs (or tools, for that matter) for me.


     MUO has all kinds of tutorials and 'walk-thru's.  This one
will show you what you need and howto extract, compile and install
most all source.  There's also a section on .rpm's, but for a more
extensive tutorial try  http://www.rpmdp.org/rpmbook/node1.html

   On MUO's main page you can also download the whole site in one
.tar.gz (~300k), updated monthly
~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > But here's how to make it better.
> > 
> > First untar the .tar.gz file by typing "tar -xvzf the_tarred_file.tar.gz". This
> > will create a new directory. Go into that new directory. Read the readme
> > file in that directory, it should contain further and more exact
> > instructions on how to install that particular program.
> > 
> > But 95% of the time, the instructions will be the same. In that directory, type
> > "./configure". This will check to make sure you have all the proper libraries
> > installed. If you get an error in this step, take note of what your missing and
> > look for it on rpmfind.net.
> Excellent advice. If you have a slower connection (like mine, 56k), I'd
> look on the Mandrake CD first. I found out that everything that
> ./configure has grumped at me for not having so far I found on my CD;
> tthe RPM's have VERY descriptive names (THANK GOD : ))!
> > Then install the missing file with "rpm -Uvh
> > the_missing_file.rpm" as root.
> > 
> > Once you get past the ./configure stage with no errors, type "make". This will
> > compile the source, and might take a little while. Once make is done, "su" to
> > root, and type "make install". Once it finishes that, the program is installed.
> > Just type "the_program_name" to run it.
> And, remember: if it doesn't work right and the docs don't help (which
> I've found they don't with errrors you might have during compilation),
> hit the lists or IRC. Oh, and another good thing that I've discovered:
> hook up with local (or, if you live in the middle of nowhere like I do,
> not-so-local) LUGs.  Read their sites and mailing lists.
> Almost everything that I read in the lists belonging to LUGs in my state
> is over my head, but hey: if you don't know it's out there you can't be
> inquisitive about it.
> : )
>                                                               adam eubank

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