> Next, how do I install software from TAR or GZ format? I know how to 
> install packages, but I downloaded a file in GZ format and opened it with 
> the software that came with Mandrake, but I could not figure out what to do 
> next? I mean in Windows there is always a setup.exe, but what about Linux? 
> I know I can extract these files, but I did not know what to do after that. 
> I saw no executables or installation routines. (See I am a newbie!) 
> Example, I have this file: so51a_lnx_01.tar so how do I install it? Once I 
> install it, does it automatically appear on the menu for execution?

Compiling from source: Every newbies nightmare.
But here's how to make it better.

First untar the .tar.gz file by typing "tar -xvzf the_tarred_file.tar.gz". This
will create a new directory. Go into that new directory. Read the readme
file in that directory, it should contain further and more exact
instructions on how to install that particular program. 

But 95% of the time, the instructions will be the same. In that directory, type
"./configure". This will check to make sure you have all the proper libraries
installed. If you get an error in this step, take note of what your missing and
look for it on rpmfind.net. Then install the missing file with "rpm -Uvh
the_missing_file.rpm" as root. 

Once you get past the ./configure stage with no errors, type "make". This will
compile the source, and might take a little while. Once make is done, "su" to
root, and type "make install". Once it finishes that, the program is installed.
Just type "the_program_name" to run it.

Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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