I will be playing half-life, ages of empires, and some other stuff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dacia and AzureRose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Video Card

which games.  that is a big issue.

If you only play quake3, evolva and other new games
that can actually use hardware T&L then you'll be
making a pretty good decision by going with a geforce
based card.

On the other hand if you play flight sims, glide games
or older games you might look at a voodoo3,4 or 5. 
Especially if you dual boot with wandows to play those
older games.

The Anti-aliasing that the voodoo4 and 5 series can do
is a BIG deal on games from about last december and
older.  No jaggies, no pixel popping, no crawlies, no
slowdowns and that is in half-life!  I understand that
flight sims, car racing games and sports games really
benefit even more.  Freespace2 looks like a movie on
my system.  It is totally amazing.  I've spent the
last few nights hanging out with my brother drinking
beer and watching himplay that game on his 19in

So, I guess what I'm saying is "What games do you


--- "Kelly, Christopher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am going to use it primarily for gaming. And we'll
> see what else I can get
> my hands into...
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 4:19 PM
> Subject: RE: [newbie] Video Card
> I only have one off topic suggestion ...... have fun
>  =o)   theres a ton of
> cool things out there to try or implement/refine and
> perfect ... try em all
> ..... when you get curious or daring enough, play
> with some source code (C
> C++ Perl Python) whatever .. even if you dont know
> how to code, or leave
> everything the way it is .... the cool thing is
> Linux is the ultimate
> playground for anyone who wants to actually "use" a
> computer rather than
> have an operating system "guide" the user.  The
> learning curve for the
> operating system *core* looks more like a vertical
> wall than a curve ...
> thing is there are a LOT of hands sticking out
> willing to help if you want
> them to. If you're careful about steps you take
> (recovery disks, backups
> etc) and you ask for help ... .the climb is a rush.
> Ok enough .... on topic advice for video cards ....
> I believe another
> poster mentioned the best advice.  Choose something
> that suits what you
> want to use it for and what resources you already
> have (Monitor
> limitations, is this for gaming and playing with
> OpenGL stuff, do you just
> need X running etc)  I personally am a fan of Loki
> and support their
> porting efforts by purchasing their games ported to
> Linux so I like hitting
> high frame rates with full effects on and GeForce
> and a nice 17" .24
> monitor do this for me.  It al ldepends on what you
> want  =o)
> Lonny

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