
You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
dependable business workstation platform.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  *     REGISTERED LINUX USER # 182496

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*REPLY SEPERATOR*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 onepatrick had this to say!

> Mark Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Benjamin Sher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 6:01 AM
> > >Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
> > >
> > >Bottom line: Until Linux, which is rich in thousands of applications,
> > >has an equally vast and varied collection of CONSUMER applications of
> > >every sort, it won't quite be ready for prime time. And this won't
> > >happen till Linux is much more popular. The old chicken and egg problem:
> > >no consumer applications until there is a consumer market for Linux big
> > >enough to justify it, and no consumer market until there are
> > >applications.
> > >
> > And this won't happen until it's easy enough for my mom, wife, and brother
> > to use and until the elite hacker attitude subsides.
> i cant imagine the elite hacker attitude ever subsiding. there will
> always
> be a place inlinux for hackers. yep, they have those little things
> called
> terminals . they dont need shells or kde's or gnomes. im starting to
> think they dont even need operating systems of any kind.  but.......
> linux is moving to include the rest of us that dont want to be
> programmers or hackers or whatever. mandrake 7.2 is very easy to use.
> i bet even your mom could run it.
>   Linux is still a
> > paradise for coders not users..
> linux will always be a paradise for coders. it it more and more a
> paradise
> for users too.
> . However, most linux users don't care about
> > running Quicken and such, for linux to win they must pull users off of
> > Windows and onto linux (these are the only converts, you won't get a lot of
> > MAC users to give up their OS).  The intrinsic road block of linux is the
> > "cult" personality, like MAC and BSD, us folks are generally emotionally
> > tied to the OS.  Most windows users couldn't give a flying flip that they
> > are using Windows they just want integrated office products and the facility
> > offered by those products (and to be able to run their games). 
> i would agree and disagree. i know many people who wouldnt even think
> of leaving windoes. i know of some that use it because its because
> what most other people use. most people seem to be unaware of just
> dont care that windoes would destroy them as quickly as any one else
> to make a profit. its like they are brainless. that of course is my
> opinion.
> with the relase of kernal 2.4 i believe linux kernal stands superior
> to microsofts. time will tell
> They don't
> > want to be system administrators, just like I don't want to be a car
> > mechanic.  I want my car to work when I drive it off the lot. I will never
> > upgrade the stereo or engine or interior, i'm just not interested in doing
> > that.  But this isn't a morally depraved behavior, it's just the way it is.
> > 
> > >Meanwhile, Linux as an OS, with its great and beautiful and configurable
> > >new graphical KDE and Gnome desktops
> > >
> > The thing is most ordinary users don't care what the OS is they care about
> > the interface and how easy it is to get their job done and how easy it is to
> > integrate their favorite apps.  I don't think most folks even mess with
> > their Windows settings. (Just showing my wife the "Send To" mechanism in
> > Explorer is like pulling teeth!) Having said that, may the gods be praised
> > for the efforts of the KDE and Gnome folks but there is still much road to
> > build.
> > 
> > The thing that should strike fear into the marrow of our bones is that if MS
> > decided to build a flavor of Linux I think it would be a reasonable
> > assumption that people like my mom and brother would ditch the Windows
> > environment and adopt the linux platform because they don't care out the OS,
> tell them about micosofts behavior to other companies. and if they dont
> care what os they are using why would they care if they had linux. this
> doesnt make any sense to me. i would think that many people in the
> future
> would want linux just because its practically free and get updated on
> such
> a regular basis and because there are people that want to help them with
> it.
> i would agree that some people just wouldnt care no matter what.
> > they care about the usabilty of the products and the availablity of the
> > products.  We laugh about the MS Linux website parody, but really, if MS
> > ever decided to distribute a flavor of linux I believe they would give
> > Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, and etc. a very hard run for their money. 
> if they did that, who would buy it. the people that are happey with
> windoes woundt want it and the linux community wouldnt buy it. why not.
> because we know if they did that it would possibly lead to real linux
> being ruined. i would never purchase microsoft linux. yuck.
>  People
> > would actually be willing to give their hard earned money for this new very
> > stable linux distrbution version of "Windows", very few of us have probably
> > given a dime to Mandrake for all their hard work. If MFC, VB, and COM was
> > made available for linux you can be sure that applications would start to
> > appear like crazy.
> > 
> i believe we will see microsoft software for linux in the future. where
> is  gates gonna get his money.
> > MS has enough resources and money to pull this off - it might not ever
> > happen - but if it did it would be a very bad thing.  All sorts of
> > bastardizations of perl, python, syslog, cron, you name it MS will tweak it
> > to lock my family into their version of linux.
> > 
> these are the reasons they would fail in linux. look at corel. in my
> opinion part of their failure has been to try to emulate microsoft.
> i have corel linux once. i then went to their site to register it.
> u believe the questions u had to answer. just like windoes and then
> boom, now gates has a piece of it. interesting.
> > >I would guess that the most important of all browsers is Mozilla because,
> > >when it is completed this
> > >spring, it will spawn dozens of branded versions, which, while building
> > >on Mozilla, will add special features of their own. In other words,
> > >Internet Explorer will find itself faced not with one derivated, namely,
> > >Netscape 6 but with dozens of equally powerful (and superior) browsers
> > >all built on the open-source Mozilla. This will be good for the
> > >consumers acorss all platforms and a last laugh at Microsoft with a
> > >vengeance. There is already one major spinoff of Mozilla called Beonex.
> > >It's still not quite ready, either. But by the end of the coming year,
> > >IE will find itself outgunned on every front by the Mozilla browsers
> > >(under a variety of brands) which they themselves caused by forcing
> > >Netscape to go open-source. It will be sweet revenge on Microsoft.
> > >
> in linux there are many browswers. in my opinion the best is Konquerer.
> i have always like netscape, but i am not a fan of aol. and aol just
> got busted awhile back for spying on us through netscape downloader.
> i wont use netscape in the near future. i am using their mail
> at the moment.
> > I hope so, but my pessimism tells me that like the borg MS will adapt,
> > out-feature, and overcome...
> in linux the people run the show, just like they always have . only
> in linux they step up, not like they always have.

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