Av...what was so well stated about that. All that proves is that he's able
to do embarrase himself in public and mutilate his Penguin. You know what
I do with users like that at work? I sit them down and compell them to
READ the user manual(s) for the apps that they're proving unable to get
along with so that they stop causing such unnecessary trouble!


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  *     REGISTERED LINUX USER # 182496

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*REPLY SEPERATOR*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Abraham Pinzur had this to say!

> Well stated, Ed. I too appreciate the stable platform, but the apps are
> sometimes a different story. I installed Linux for the express purpose of
> getting more experience on the nitty-gritty  end of things... =)
> - Av -
> --
> Av Pinzur / Crisp Graphics
> http://www.crispgraphics.com/~newav
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Edward McCain
> > Sent: Sunday, 03 December, 2000 22:27
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> >
> > > You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and
> > programmers,
> > > but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is
> > that Linux is
> > > incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
> > > dependable business workstation platform
> >
> > Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on
> > numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
> >
> > Example:
> > kde control center
> > look and feel
> > screensaver
> > kswarm
> > setup
> > move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
> > this causes the application to 'crash'
> >
> > Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by
> > grabbing a
> > email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the
> > subject line
> > and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail
> > twice before I got the hint.
> >
> > True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable
> > platform without stable applications?
> >
> > --
> >
> > Yours,
> >
> > R. Edward McCain
> > icq: 599146
> > Registered Linux User #196613
> >
> >

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