And you point is? All you've managed to do is cause a few applications a
mild headache and they refused to operate any further. You hadn't cause
the actual OS to suffer any hardship. If you're really having that much
trouble, then I would suggest one of two things is true.

1) there's something wrong with your installation. Maybe a few packages
didn't install completely, or correctly. This can sometimes be due to
hardware incompatabilities with Mandrake.

2) there's something wrong with the user and possibly some user
re-training is in order.

What I said and meant was that under most cirrcumstance, and most
including some rather severe working conditions, not ridiculous and
purposful attempts at crashing programs from improper use, (tongue in
cheek), Linux continually outperforms all other operating systems and
remains solid and trustworthy.


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
  *     REGISTERED LINUX USER # 182496

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*REPLY SEPERATOR*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 R. Edward McCain had this to say!

> On Sun, 03 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> > You are right, of course, Linux is a paradise for coders and programmers,
> > but beyond that truth is another, even bigger truth. That is that Linux is
> > incredibly stable and powerful as a home PC platform as well as a
> > dependable business workstation platform
> Er, I've managed to crash the entire platform twice and wreak havoc on 
> numerous apps just by playing around in my account (NOT as root)
> Example: 
> kde control center
> look and feel
> screensaver
> kswarm
> setup
> move the 'number of bees' slider to 0
> this causes the application to 'crash'
> Others are less reproducable, but I can cause Kmail to crash by grabbing a 
> email that I cc'ed to myself, replying to it and changing the subject line 
> and body - or something like that.  I was being silly and I crashed kmail 
> twice before I got the hint.
> True, my account didn't terminate on those occasions, but what's a stable 
> platform without stable applications?

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