LOL...on the bicycle as your alternative mode of transportation.

I see nothing wrong with command line but most are daunted by it and could
careless if they ever learn it. I don't see the futue dealing much with
command line and GUIs. As long as Linux offers what it has now without going
completely GUI like Mac and Windows then its future is secured.
Realistically, though if you think about it Mandrake and others won't just
deliver to the this crowd indefintely. They want to tap into the larger pie
of PC consumers. I keep thinking that eventually Linux XXXX will be as plain
as any Window flavor. Just a an opinion please no hate mail. I have already
been banned by Window and Mac newsgroups I might end up creating my own
little OS just to have someone to talk

By the way here is an irony. Just as I was typing the above "Linux XXXX" I
had a bug with my wireless keyboard, literally a bug.

Well, struck me as funny as heck personally.

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