Well the breakup was supposed to be a remedy for M$ business cut throat
business practices and antitrust violations.
Looks like it is not going to happen now.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rita F. Koenigs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] curious ....

> At this time I see no objective reason for splitting up
> Microsoft ... what purpose will it serve? And why is Bill Gates
> so dead-set against it? What's the threat? Is it just a
> comfort-level thing? A nuisance change that he's concerned
> about? Or is it a huge threat to their monopoly? In fact, the
> remedy is seen as tepid by some people who are not M$ fans.
> Perhaps the latest suit is not a strong one .... are there ones
> that are? But litigation is such a slow and contentious process,
> I just think M$ is able to play that game better than anyone
> else (sounds painfully familiar).
> Has anyone really figured out a market that hasn't been tapped
> yet, within the industry, that Microsoft hasn't and will not be
> able to steal? Maybe better innovation is the answer, not
> litigation. Just wondering.
> The only real desktop option out there is the Mac .... thinking
> of kids, adults, etc .... and it seems that there needs to be
> more of an effort by others to become more user-friendly. There
> just doesn't seem to be a huge market out there for "power"
> users .... or even curious users who are willing to struggle
> through what seems like techie,
> hard-to-understand-on-a-higher-level-than "it says so in the
> manual" attempts to solve *many "wierd" techie problems. It's a
> shame about the IMAC not cutting it for people beyond the
> fanatical ... what are you basing that opinion on, besides what
> you see personally?
> I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
> highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their
> tactics.
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