> First, the 'hunting for libraries' complaint is moot: I have yet to look
> further than my own LM install disks for libraries-- LM is probably better
> than many distros out there as they actually provide you with more than
> install CD and all the stuff they offer has been compiled for a Mandrake
> system so it's going to work.

HAHAHA ROFL  ...Mandrake.... ....going to work....

Thats the best yet :)

> Second, no one says you *have* to install the latest kernel and it isn't
> necessary unless you're adding brand new hardware that didn't exist six
> months ago-- how many of you out there are installing kernels just because
> has a higher number?

or becasue the one your using has been declared the biggest pile of
(official) turkey poo (or is it greased chicken) to be released to date

> By-and-by the install process is standard-- using RPMs is easy enough and
> the odd times when I have to compile there's always an "install.sh" or
> "configure.sh"--

that fail because MDK like to put required things in silly places

> and another silly thing that even comes with Windoze
> installations: README files-- how many of you have failed to install
> something properly because you didn't read the instructions.

and how many instructions have you read that simply didnt work?

> Bottom line:  If you want something 'Just like Windows' then use Windows.
> There is no such thing as out-and-out replacing an OS.  They all have
> advantages and disadvantages.

Linux will get there, its come a long way in the last 2 years

> And while we're at it the day Linux starts acting completely like Windows
> the same day I have to defragment my ReiserFS partition after I do a virus
> scan because my firewalling software didn't work.

virus's will happen (or at least more trojans & worms) as Linux gets more
popular on the desktop and no firewalling software is 100%

> Linux is different.  Get over it!  I really don't care if my neighbour is
> using it or not, I just want Linux to be there so I have a choice in how I
> use my PC. Period!

but different doesn't have to mean it cannot be user friendly (or at least a
little less newbie painful)


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