Just because something is different doesn't mean it should automatically 
be harder. As easy as RPM's are to use they still aren't as good as 
installing something on Windows or the Mac OS. You shouldn't need to 
hunt for an extra "anything" not even if its as close as your own CD. It 
wouldn't be making Linux "Windows-like" to fix that problem it would 
just be making it more simpler and easier to use. You could always opt 
to compile from source if you need to personally test your own manhood 
when installing software.
On Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 10:12 AM, Richie wrote:
> ..Wow, what a lazy bunch of buggers!
> First, the 'hunting for libraries' complaint is moot: I have yet to 
> look any
> further than my own LM install disks for libraries-- LM is probably 
> better
> than many distros out there as they actually provide you with more than 
> one
> install CD and all the stuff they offer has been compiled for a Mandrake
> system so it's going to work.
> Second, no one says you *have* to install the latest kernel and it 
> isn't even
> necessary unless you're adding brand new hardware that didn't exist six
> months ago-- how many of you out there are installing kernels just 
> because it
> has a higher number?
> By-and-by the install process is standard-- using RPMs is easy enough 
> and for
> the odd times when I have to compile there's always an "install.sh" or
> "configure.sh"-- and another silly thing that even comes with Windoze
> installations: README files-- how many of you have failed to install
> something properly because you didn't read the instructions.
> Bottom line:  If you want something 'Just like Windows' then use 
> Windows.
> There is no such thing as out-and-out replacing an OS.  They all have 
> their
> advantages and disadvantages.
> And while we're at it the day Linux starts acting completely like 
> Windows is
> the same day I have to defragment my ReiserFS partition after I do a 
> virus
> scan because my firewalling software didn't work.
> Linux is different.  Get over it!  I really don't care if my neighbour 
> is
> using it or not, I just want Linux to be there so I have a choice in 
> how I
> use my PC. Period!
> Richie
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> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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