you have a small flaw in your logic...

whenever any company releases a product that does something better, it gets
adopted by others because it is better.

when a company release something that sucks.. it doesn't usually get
adopted, (unless there are marketing reasons or blackmail behind it..)

Winblows knicked ideas from Mac, they knicked stuff from bsd.. they knicked
lots of stuff I think... why? because it
did the job easier and simplier then what they had at the time, (assuming
they had something.)

linux then knicked stuff from M$,, like KDE's layout and format... why?
because it was easier to understand, and
the majority of people already understand it.

nobody is suggesting that linux should knick crap like BSOD's or fat32 or
adopt its usability in reiserfs or anything..
but there is nothing wrong with copying the functionality of useful
stuff..stuff that makes things more efficient (there is that word again.)

when ABS for cars came out, wow, what a reaction, but it was patented
worldwide, once it expired, it got installed into most new mid to high end
cars,, why? because it saved lives..(you can equate that to increased
efficiency if you like, I have always found that I work better when I'm
alive.) who cares who invented it?

Don't let hate for M$ blind you, the only area where M$ has superiority over
linux is its simplicity... even most linux diehards are not blind to that...
but things are getting closer.. why? because we can take the best of their
ideas, (or ideas that they have knicked) and leave the dross with winblows..
and slowly linux is doing just that..



PS, you don't need an application to install windows apps, you find an
install.exe file, and you dbl click on it.. and then answer questions..
thats it... rpmdrake is good and a huge step up from compiling at a console,
but its still lagging behind just starting a setup.exe file...

for better or worse, I think that is one of the main reasons that even
experianced windows users don't like linux (and most of us started as
experianced windows users.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Richie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

Sorry, my message wan't pointed directly at you,,,

On November 25, 2001 10:33 am, Franki wrote:
> Firstly, I wasn't talking about me.. I was refering to people unfamiliar
> with the proceedure..

That's the point I was trying to make, it's the lack of familiarity, not a
problem inherent to Linuxes (... or Linuxi?)

> I have always managed to get things going.. but I know a shitload of
> that haven't been able to.
> <snip>
> ..Wow, what a lazy bunch of buggers!
> </snip>
> First, the 'hunting for libraries' complaint is moot: I have yet to look
> any further than my own LM install disks for libraries-- LM is probably
> better than many distros out there as they actually provide you with more
> than one install CD and all the stuff they offer has been compiled for a
> Mandrake system so it's going to work.
> <snip>
> like I said, not my problem, but you don't have to install them in
> windows,, (their method sux, with overwriting
> and such, but it does make it more or less dead easy.)
> </snip>

...I'll stand by installations on Linux being different and not difficult
when you're installing RPMs through RPMDrake, dependencies are installed in
the same go anyway so what's the big deal?

> Second, no one says you *have* to install the latest kernel and it isn't
> even
> necessary unless you're adding brand new hardware that didn't exist six
> months ago-- how many of you out there are installing kernels just because
> it
> has a higher number?
> <snip>
> What about the recommended kernel upgrades, there have always been some in
> the last few mdk versions..
> sometimes more then one,,  (ie 7.2) 8 has had a security kernel upgrade,
> and mandrake 8.1 has one now too.
> (to address the recent ptrace bug and others..)
> </snip>

OK, valid-- but that's two critical updates over hundreds of unwarranted
kernel version updates (unwarranted for the average user...)

> By-and-by the install process is standard-- using RPMs is easy enough and
> for
> the odd times when I have to compile there's always an "" or
> ""-- and another silly thing that even comes with Windoze
> installations: README files-- how many of you have failed to install
> something properly because you didn't read the instructions.
> <snip>
> I didn't claim that windows was better, I loath windows and M$, but it is
> undeniably easier.
> 5000,000 morons can't be wrong. :-)
> </snip>
...Still don't have me convinced Linux is just different and much of the
perceived difficulty is from having to change.  I say this with absolute
certainty because I had to change from Windows-thinking to Linux-thinking

> Bottom line:  If you want something 'Just like Windows' then use Windows.
> There is no such thing as out-and-out replacing an OS.  They all have
> advantages and disadvantages.
> <snip>
> I don't deny that at all, and I wasn't refering to that at all... I simply
> made
> a suggestion, such suggestions are the reason that KDE, Gnome and others
> are slowly reaching
> the same level of functionality as windows.. don't be a puritan, things
> don't have to be hard..
> I can do it the hard way as well as anyone, I am just not so short sighted
> as to think that it
> may not be the most productive way to always do it the hard way.. and
> incidently, all I said was
> to create a self executable tar file or something that can do the hard
> for you, and then make it a
> standard.. and just you watch, it will happen. each distro will end up
> a file in it somewhere that
> details its locations policy, and the install tar can read that to work
> where to install everything,
> and it could automatically update the rpm database, go and get libs or
> whatever (assuming it doesn't contain
> them already) and it would make loading apps easier then windows, which
> means FAST to install, meaning
> more productive.. I am not even concerned with difficulty myself, I don't
> give a rats to be quiet honest.
> I am concerned with getting it done fast, and moving on,, I don't like to
> dick around when I could be
> doing something more productive.. EFFICIENCY... thats what it is all
> "More bang for your Click" so to
> speak.. (thats not a bad theme that.. :-)
> </snip>
> And while we're at it the day Linux starts acting completely like Windows
> is the same day I have to defragment my ReiserFS partition after I do a
> virus scan because my firewalling software didn't work.
> <snip>
> So you equate ease with worth? if something isn't hard to do or time
> consuming, then it can't be any good?

I spend more time actually using my home computer than maintaining it since
switched to Linux... three-hour hard-drive defrags with Win98?  No one
wants that do they?

> thats just outright bullshit,, how many sysadmins are not overworked?  I
> know I am,, so anything that makes
> my job faster, means I am more productive, end of story.
> </snip>

Whoops, you missed the point, ReiserFS doesn't need defragging, there are no
virii on Linux and Linux firewalling is done through proper packet
filtering...    It's just a bit of hyperbole, an exaggeration.

The fact is there's less work to do on a Linux system because Linux is Linux
and not Windows.


> Linux is different.  Get over it!  I really don't care if my neighbour is
> using it or not, I just want Linux to be there so I have a choice in how I
> use my PC. Period!
> <snip>
> ditto, and the fact that I use linux on servers mostly, goes to show that
> don't want it to be "winblows" (shudder)
> nothing wrong with efficiency though..
> </snip>

> rgds
> Frank
> Richie

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