Robin Turner,

> Actually, KDE does that, it just has a very weird idea about
> what programs I use (presumably because it tracks the programs
> I open from the menu, rather than icons or the command line -
> in other words the programs I use least!).

Yes - while not aware of that particular problem I am aware of 
cumbersome attempts to make everything more Windows like.  
Mistake i think.  I am only into Linux for about 6 weeks but am 
disappointed how hard it is.  Not the installation, not the gui 
so much as making things work.  The DVD, the scanner, the 
infrared, the CD-burner, the printer.  

The easier the surface is the harder it is to grasp the 
underlying complexity.  I would like to have better education 
about the cli ... well the education is there but the hype is 
that it is getting easier to do Linux.  I find some things 
really work beautifully from the cli - but it is being obscured 
by layers of gui which dont work as well and also by the 
expectation that a gui will do it just because it is there - 
that is only sometimes the case.  

The design questions are huge - and the beauty is that someone 
will come up with yet another distribution that might just 
surpass the rest - not because they are more Windows like but 
because the are proud of being Unix like. In the way we are 
proud of our complex languages and do not, try to make English 
into French - and even maintain American, UK versions as well as 
other varieties.

Perhaps there is already such a distribution?  Debian?


Walter Logeman
Walter Logeman

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