On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:06:48 -0400 Kirtis wrote:

>KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight window
>manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if someone 
>could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)
>Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the WM
>set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.

How did you 'set' the WM to FVWM? Did you set that up in ~/.xinitrc?
If you want a light WM that has lots of features, you could look into
BlackBox, or XFCE (which is what I am running, see
http://nlpagan.net/images/screenshot.jpg )

And if you are interested in a translation of the text on the screen, let me
know  *grin*

My .xinitrc:

### Added by xfce_upgrade version 3.8.12 ###
# Set up additionnal fonts that ship with Xfce (Change id38121117)
xset fp+ "/usr/local/share/xfce/fonts"
### End of changes version 3.8.12 ###
# xinitrc file for XFce 3 startxfce script

# Some distro needs to allow even localhost to use the display
# Uncomment this if you experience "Can't open display" when running 
# programs from xfce. BEWARE this is considered as a vulnerability !
# xhost +$HOSTNAME
xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch

# Start-up stuff from ~/Desktop/Autostart directory, if it exists
# (as it seems to be the new standard)
if [ -d "$HOME/Desktop/Autostart" ]; then
  for i in `ls -1 ${HOME}/Desktop/Autostart/ 2>/dev/null`; do
    if [ -x $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i ]; then
      $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i &

# Launch xscreensaver (if available)
#  xscreensaver -no-splash -lock-mode &

# start Autolock
# xautolock -time 10 -locker "xlock -mode blank" &

#Xmodmap for Euro's etc
xmodmap .xmodmaprc

# Finally, launch window manager
#exec startkde
#exec enlightenment
exec xfwm

# end of .xinitrc


To err is human. To forgive is against company policy.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.5

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