[22] Talksport - Safe Standing Debate
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by redend:
These are the numbers for joining the Safe Standing debate on TalkSport tomorrow night:

08704 20 20 20
08700 40 50 60
+44 207 959 7800

Or visit the website at (link:http://www.talksport.net) www.talksport.net and email 
the show.

(link:http://www.safestanding.com) www.safestanding.com will be sending out more info 

[21] If you all hate Scousers....
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by redend:
This article in The Guardian is going to kick up a stink. It shouldn't be confused 
with being unsympathetic towards the victims of a horrific crime - although that is 
DEFINITELY what will happen - and once again obscure the arguments & causes. 

A brave piece of journalism on yet another subject that is not allowed to be 

You be the judge:


Here's a couple of paragraphs from the article:

If Denise (Bulger) had been born in Manchester, she wouldn't have    spent 10 minutes, 
never mind eight years in this soul-sapping limbo. The idea that she is a "fighter" 
who has sacrificed her own peace of mind for a great and noble calling is a classic 
piece of Scouse self-delusion. Scousers' propensity to linger over every misfortune 
until another comes to replace it makes them uniquely suited to the demands of the 
Bulger mourning marathon. While other cities might have faltered and found something 
else to distract   them, Liverpool's talent for nursing resentments ensured that it 
would feel, eight years on, just as enraged about Bulger's murder as it was the first 
moment it heard. 

The speed with which the place erupted into fury last week is a tribute to Scousers' 
dogged refusal to put something down when it looks like it might still bear fruit. As 
long as there's still a drop of righteous indignation to be squeezed from this 
unfortunate affair, people such as the radio DJ who broke down on hearing the news 
that Thompson and Venables were to be freed will be on hand to mop it up. He will do 
this because he is part of a community that excels in finding ways of feeling good 
about itself that don't involve any real effort. Being the perennial victims of a pair 
of notorious murderers is a much easier route to the moral superiority that every 
Scouser sees as their birthright than the more irksome alternative - actually doing 
something good. 

[20] Kenyon - Hey Big Spender.....
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by redend:
.....on shareholders dividends?

>From the MEN:

"There is no mad panic at Old Trafford. We are continuing to look to strengthen the 
squad. We are working through our list pretty well. 

[That's the problem - you're not supposed to be "working through the list" - you're 
supposed to stop at the top and buy the one's the most successful manager in history 
has put there.] 

"We, the manager, me and the rest of the people involved, are  confident we will 
achieve what we set out to do in a bid to  strengthen the team. We are working on the 
actual issues and not the speculative ones.  We are happy that we are in control of 
the process. We're not concerned about anything and we don't react to headlines.  We 
are just busily going about our business to make sure we have got the right squad for 
when we start the season. 

"We are confident that the ones we are going for are the right ones  for us and it is 
not just about bringing new names in. It is about the whole balance and getting the 
ones who are actually going to improve the team. We think we are in pretty good shape 
as it is and this is the odd tweak." 

[The odd tweak? Methinks you are not "shopping at Harrods" either then.]

"I think we are on track. It is not a quantity list we are working  on it is a quality 

"We're still more than confident that top class players want to come  and join 
Manchester United. We are still a team players  want to come to. We are not concerned 
about players thinking  otherwise and our supporters shouldn't be concerned either. 

 "We will continue to prove that we can, and do, attract the best be it a Nistelrooy, 
a Stam or a Barthez. The players we have targeted in  the past join Manchester United 
and are keen to be part of it. As for spending you mustn't forget, even though it 
seems ages ago  since we did it, that we got Ruud van Nistelrooy for £19m when it was  
the right time and the opportunity was right. 

"We'll do the same with the rest of the players we want to bring in.  We have 
demonstrated that when we need to we'll spend money. We have  done it previously and 
we'll do it again."
[No matter how you dress it up the budget  has been inadequate to compete with the 
other top European teams since we won the Treble. You've got to invest OUR money EVERY 
year if you want to compete - bad news for dividends - but that's the way it is.]

[19] Gary Nev coughs up for Bury
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
>From (link:http://www.Teamtalk.com) www.Teamtalk.com

Manchester United star Gary Neville is ready to dip into his own pocket to help out 
financially-struggling hometown club Bury.  Cash-strapped Bury have launched the Save 
Our Shakers appeal in a bid to raise much-needed funds to stave off mounting debts. 

The club, currently in takeover talks with Turkish businessman Alex Tarsus, have been 
in financial limbo since their majority shareholder, stockbroker Hugh Eaves, was 
implicated in a City scandal a year ago.  Chairman Terry Robinson has admitted that 
the financial constraints are making life hard at Gigg Lane.  He said: "The ongoing 
difficulties surrounding the sale of shares make planning for next season rather 
difficult and speculative."

However, United and England defender Neville has offered to stage his soccer schools 
in Bury this summer and is set to donate all profits from the scheme.   He said: "I'm 
delighted to stage one of my soccer schools in my home town and I'm equally delighted 
to help Bury's appeal."

[18] More on the Nike deal
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
>From Shareholders United
(link:http://www.shareholdersunited.org) www.shareholdersunited.org

Nike are to get exclusive sponsorship, licensing and merchandising rights, but United 
retain control over the brand and how it is used (for  example, the product range).  
All Manchester United's current merchandising activities will be transferred to a 
business run by Nike (but with United representatives on the board).  This reduces 
costs and management time.

Under the contract, United will receive £20.8m per year from Nike (rising to £25.4m in 
later years).  This replaces the profit made on merchandise sales, which have been 
somewhat disappointing recently, and the royalties from current kit manufacturers 
Umbro, which will cease.
On United's side of the deal, the club must stay in the Premiership,  and most 
significantly, achieve a European competition place every season, if these sums are 
not to be reduced.  If profits exceed a certain target, the club receives a half share 
of additional profits too.

This is Nike's single biggest merchandising deal, and one sure to receive a lot of 
attention.  From a commercial perspective it offers United the chance to boost the 
merchandising revenue internationally with very little risk.

[17] Karl on Away ticket allocations
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
(link:http://www.shareholdersunited.org) www.shareholdersunited.org

SU: I suggested that the away tickets which end up on the black market are often from 
executive and box holders, especially for less popular matches.

KE: "Absolutely.  That's why we've narrowed down their allocation.  They complain that 
they pay for eight seats a home game, and we narrow them down to one or two tickets 
for an away game.  We have evidence from the past, when they got more than two they 
got into the wrong hands. 

It's a tricky area, away games, and it's made harder by our fans' behaviour in 
standing up.  I believe that Sunderland have already put it on their website that 
we're only getting 1,000 tickets."

You know why they do it? I asked.  "Because they can sell them to their own fans," he 
replied.  I expressed a personal opinion that United were just rolling over and dying 
in accepting low away ticket allocations.

"That doesn't come under me," Evans replied.  "I wouldn't necessarily disagree with 
that, but that is with the powers that be."

[16] Karl on future developments
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
(link:http://www.shareholdersunited.org) www.shareholdersunited.org

SU: Looking ahead, had he any plans to computerise the ticketing system further?  

KE:"We have looked at smart card access to the stadium, which would replace the season 
ticket.  It seems to work at Ibrox with the flow of 38,000 people.  Obviously there 
would be a capital outlay, so we're just thinking about it at present.  Another thing 
I've asked our IT department to look into is electronic balloting for away matches, 
although we'd probably only put three quarters of the tickets on this system.  The 
theory is that you ring up and register an interest in going to Sunderland, then you 
phone back within a week to see whether you've been successful.  It's just 
convenience, then we could get rid of those damn awful token-sheets that I hate. Again 
it won't be next season."  

[15] Exerts from Shareholders Utd interview with Karl Evans
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
(link:http://www.shareholdersunited.org) www.shareholdersunited.org 

Of ticket office fame

SU: Did he see touting as a big problem?
KE: "Absolutely, and as a fan nothing annoys me more.  But I get letters from people 
saying they paid £200 for a ticket for the West Ham cup game, claiming they couldn't 
get a ticket any other way, when in fact the match went on open sale.  I think: 'Well, 
if you were such a fan, then you would know they went on general sale.'  You've got to 
cut them out of the equation, they're not real fans."

SU: Yet the demand for overpriced packages seems to be there?  I suggested. 

KE: "Well the demand for tickets for Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Leeds is there.  But 
11 matches this season have gone on general sale. So the demand is increasing for the 
big games and diminishing for the smaller ones."  I pointed out that when I spoke to 
people on these trips about the horrendous prices they've paid, they say: "Well you 
can't get tickets any other way."  None of them had ever heard about the Membership 
Scheme, which allows you to apply for tickets for every game.

[14] And talking of the editor of this esteemed organ
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
I hope Barney gets to read this in Greece, cos it will cheer him up no end (as apposed 
to getting no end up, if you see what I mean). Just don't use any of the below as a 
chat up line Barney!

>From the Indy on Sunday:

Fancy a snog? If so your chances are getting better all the time, according to market 
analysts who have tried to work out the mathematical likelihood of getting off with a 
stranger in a nightclub on any given night.

Consumer confidence in the ability to "pull" is one of the driving factors in the 
clubbing industry's success, says a report for the bank HSBC. The more you fancy your 
chances, apparently, the more you are likely to go out on the town and spend.

The good news for lonely hearts is that "as the number of single people in the UK 
increases, so does the number of people who want to go out and meet people and 
potentially find a partner, which is to say that the 'marginal propensity to pull' is 
greater than 0."

The calculations are complicated by the fact that some married people want to pull and 
some singles have no interest, so the closest the analysts can come to a conclusion is 
that if the number of single people in the country goes up by 10 per cent then the 
propensity to pull will rise, "but probably by less than 10 per cent".

Fewer people go to nightclubs now than they did five years ago, and they spend less 
per head. The report suggests clubs and bars will make money if they provide safe, 
stimulating places for people to meet each other and flirt. 

[13] The Safe Standing campaign is taking off
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
Talk Sport ran a debate (a very pro standing one too) on Safe Standing last Friday - 
due to the success and interest, they are devoting more time to the issue this coming 
Wednesday (27th June, 7:00PM - 10:00PM - Kevin Day and Mark Webster) Medium Wave 1053 
& 1089 or live broadcast on the web www.talksport.net

And don't forget a Red News plug if you can slip it in (as Barney is hoping to do in 
Greece as you read this)

[12] Yorkie scores again...
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
....in a friendly against Bermuda on Sunday.

[11] Wes on Ingerlund
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
"Something special is happening with the England team. A lot of  younger players have 
got involved now and the spirit's great,  everyone's just connecting at the right 
time," he said.

"Sven's brought a lot of new faces in and you look at the team and  everyone's playing 
out of their skin for him."

[10] Wes on the ABU's
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
"It's got to the point with United where people are expecting  something every year,".

"I mean we won the league by so many points, but still people were  always trying to 
put us down saying 'well they've done that but where  are they in the Champions' 
League, where are they in the FA Cup'."

[9] Wes: Nice to be trusted
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
"It was great that the gaffer had confidence putting me in. It's  always hard coming 
back from injury and getting fit again so when the  manager does put trust in you once 
you've come back, it gives you a  great boost.

"That's the most games I've ever played in a season so that was  great, but now I've 
really just got to concentrate on staying at that  top level at all times. Sometimes 
last season I lacked a bit of concentration in games when  you can't really afford to 
do that.

"It was hard at first when I came back in, everything was fine  midway through the 
season, but then near the end I got a little bit  tired again."

[8] Wes: Great achievement
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
"I'm a lot more experienced after last season and that helps, but at  the same time 
I've got to work on my game and try to get better.  There are still a lot of things I 
can improve on, I can tighten up  mentally and not get as tired later on in the season.

"I played nearly 40 games last season for United and I think that is  a great 
achievement for myself especially coming back after my injury.

[7] Wes: I play for the best
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
"I'm playing for the best two managers in the world at the moment," 
said Wes, who is expected to sign a new contract with United sometime 
in the next month that will tie him to the club for at least another 
five years and net him around £1.5m a year.

"The gaffer's (Sir Alex Ferguson) been No 1 for a long time. He's a  brilliant 
manager, while Sven has come in and really brought the lads  together.

"Sven is a great person and coach. If you ask anyone who knows him,  they'll say he is 
very quiet but strict if he has to be.

"He's got a very good football brain and that's been seen in the  results England have 
had. I can only get better playing for those  two. They give you a lot of confidence 
and always try to get the best  out of you.

[6] Giggsy testimonial latest
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
>From the official site

Tickets for the Ryan Giggs testimonial match against Celtic are "flying out of Old 
Trafford - so move fast to get yours!"

Seats are being sold to Season Ticket and LMTB Holders, either at the ground or on 
0161 868 8010.

Postal applications from members are being accepted, but will only be processed after 
sales to Season Ticket Holders have been completed. A further announcement regarding 
availability will be made after 5pm on Friday 29 June.

[5] We can all dream!
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
>From the official site (that'll be www.manutd.com)

Worthington are running a fans' five-a-side competition to run alongside their 
sponsorship of the League Cup, and they're looking for three teams of Reds to take 

The Worthington Fives is the first competition to give supporters the chance to pull 
on their club colours in a national five-a-side event.

Entry is free and the Worthington Fives Final will be played on the pitch before the 
Worthington Cup Final at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff on 24 February. The 
Worthington Fives winners will even go into Europe by scooping an all-expenses trip to 
a top European game.

"The Worthington Fives offers fans, who'd normally just be cheering their team on from 
the terraces, the chance to actually play for the side they support," said the former 
England and Watford Manager Graham Taylor, who will be commentating on senior 
Worthington Cup matches this season.

"You never know, the competition may unearth a fan who could go on and represent the 
club at a higher level." ( I doubt it will be at football though!)

Preliminary rounds for the Worthington Fives begin at the end of July. These events 
will be held regionally, and give three teams of fans from each of 92 Premiership and 
Football League clubs the chance to play-off and win the right to be their 
club’s sole representative in the tournament, going through to the Worthington 
Fives first round in August.

Fans can enter now by calling 0800 731 4841; emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
writing to: FREEPOST, Worthington Fives (GI2074), Woking, Surrey GU24 9BR. All entries 
must be in by 6 July.

The Worthington Fives will be played at Powerleague Soccer Centres across the country 
on weekends prior to corresponding Worthington Cup rounds.

[4] Eric wakes up the FIFA Fat Cats
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
Long enough to have a go at his charlie comments, before going back to the serious 
business of lining their own pockets, sorry promoting the worlds greatest game.

Per Ravn Omdal, president of the Norwegian football federation (NFF), believes he 
should have condemned all drug use unreservedly.

"It is a completely meaningless statement," he told Norwegian news agency NTB.

"People who are as famous and as popular as Cantona must show some responsibility. 
This is a stupid thing to say.

"We distance ourselves from every kind of narcotic substance, and are working on a 
global scale to fight drug abuse.

"This substance is on both Fifa's and the IOC's list of banned substances. We don't 
want this kind of development." 

[Shut it you nonce.]

[3] Jordi a Yonner target?
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
Apparently Allardyce wants Jordi on a Bosman. Alaves want 2.5 mill after paying us 1.5 
for him to Barca.

[2] Vieira / Petit latest
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
As we reported here on RED NEWS yesterday (story [9])- and now confirmed by Le 
Parisien - usually a reliable source for transfer news:

"A premature announcement of an agreement with Petit and Barcelona  has been made by 
Chelsea director, Colin Hutchinson. Emmanuel Petit  has firmly denied that the deal is 

Alex Ferguson wants to associate Emmanuel Petit with his friend Patrick Vieira, who is 
firmly decided to leave Arsenal to join the Red Devils ...."

Make of that what you will. He may well end up at the Rent Boys but the deal is not 
yet sealed.

[1] Mackems show the way
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by tb:
With interest free ST loans. Hardly rocket science is it Messr's Kenyon & Gill?

Chairman Bob Murray:

"Having already rewarded all of our season ticket holders with a price reduction for 
the forthcoming season and introduced new lower priced ticket categories for all young 
people aged up to 22 years, we are determined to deliver the Stadium of Light as the 
most affordable and accessible in the Premiership. 

"It is vital that we continue to expand and develop the club and our season ticket 
base is key to this. We are well aware that not all supporters can easily afford to 
pay for a season ticket all at once and have been working hard to secure an attractive 
payment plan. 

"We have designed this scheme to appeal to those supporters who otherwise would be 
unable to buy a season ticket. We want to enable as many fans as possible to join us 
on match days whatever their personal circumstances and continue to grow the club at 
great pace so we can pursue stadium expansion. 

"Our policy of affordable and accessible football is admired and recognised nationally 
and in line with this we will still continue to hold back some tickets for match to 
match sales."

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