[34] More on Great United Songs
Posted Thursday, November 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
See earlier request in the news.

We've already had a great response so keep those classic United fan songs coming in.

We're particularly interested in ones that have appeared since the last edition in 
1998, players' songs from over the years - and does anyone have the full verses for

we went down to Barca one fine day in May (the revised change from the old Wembley 


[33] A red perspective
Posted Thursday, November 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United have always had inspirational qualities on and off the field. Steve 
Bruce, Bryan Robson, Roy Keane, Jaap Stam, Peter Schmichael, Gary 
Pallister........Players who have donned the famous red shirt in recent times, players 
who have worn their heart on their sleeve, gone in where it hurts, and players who 
have never been afraid to voice their opinions on the field.

Looking at the current team you wouldn't be far wrong in saying that the players can 
let the football they play do the talking, and some of the football they play is like 
poetry in motion. Still at times you have to marvel at the sheer passion and 
determination displayed in Roy Keanes body language, the drive that he brings to the 
team and his fearless character. You wouldn't want to put a foot wrong or you'd be on 
the end of a bollocking in front of 67,000 supporters.

Keane has been missing from the front line recently due to injury and while Beckham, 
Giggs and Veron may have the skill and flair to get you on the edge of your seat and 
leave you gasping with admiration. Keane has the ability to get you off your seat with 
a crunching tackle and leave you punching the air shouting 'get in there'.

We have missed our captain greatly and it's made me think back over the Ferguson reign 
to the great leadersip qualities we have possessed. During the mid-nineties the team 
was full of passion, with players that couldn't help let it spill over on to the field 
of play. Look at the famous back-line of Schmiechel, Bruce and Pallister. Schmichael 
was not afraid to challenge anyone, including Bruce and Pallister!!!! The midfield was 
graced with the combatitive nature of Robson, Keane and Ince, who would battle 
relentlessly in the pursuit of victory. Jaap Stam was brought in after Bruce and 
Pallister retired gracefully after years of battling in United's cause. Stam had the 
power and passion, but also matched this with impecable timing and immaculate 
tackling. He turned defending into an art form and I lost count of the times during 
his first season where he went flying into a challenge to crunch the opposition player 
and glide away with the ball.

Looking at the players we have lost from the defence in recent years,
Bruce, Pallister, Schmichael and most recently Stam, you have to notice that they 
haven't been replaced by players of a similair nature. Has it all gone quiet at the 
back? Then again, look around. Football has changed dramatically over the last decade, 
With wages reaching astronomical levels, not many players will have the guts to 
challenge their fellow  colleagues in case they rock the boat. Not when they're 
getting £20K a week in their back pocket.

I'm not sure exactly what point I'm trying to make, really to highlight the importance 
of Keane in the team and also the fact that we are really missing Stam. In my humble 
opinion Stam was the only world class defender we had. It's hard to criticise such a 
cracking football team, in fact I can't remember the last time I did as we have been 
spoilt so much over the last few seasons. However it is clear to see that we need a 
leader in defence and a settled back four. There is of course a long way to go and 
some cracking games to look forward to. Bayern, Arsenal, Chelsea and Boavista are 
coming up soon. I'm sure Ferguson and Keane will see us through.

Murray Easton
Glasgow Reds

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