[22] Other results
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
Arse 2 Charlton 4
Leeds 2 Spurs 1 
Chelsea 2 Ipswich 1

[21] Fergie - no Becks injury when subbed
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He has no injury. We felt that Scholes could get the goal that would 
get us back into the game, which he is always capable of doing"

[20] More Fergie anger at the performance
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
And thank God he was angry, I'd be worried if he hadn't responded to that...

"We lost two terrible goals and that has been endemic this season and  Liverpool just 
worked harder. We conceded too many goals. If we don't eradicate silly mistake we will 
 suffer. They worked very hard and credit to them. I think you can work on the 
training pitch and we do a lot of work  there but these are errors that are 
inexplicable at times. I think it when we got back to 2-1 there was a feeling we could 
do  something from there but we lose it within a minute. Making mistakes is  not an 
enjoyable part of the game."

[19] United team
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barthez, Brown, Neville G, Irwin (O'Shea 85), Silvestre, Beckham (Scholes 77), Butt, 
Fortune, Veron, Solskjaer (Yorke 53), van Nistelrooy 

[18] Big Nose happy
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I've spoken to Houllieralready after the game and he is absolutely thrilled. He sends 
his wishes and how proud he is to the players and says just keep it going. We are 
working well together as the days go by the more input will come in from him and I 
welcome it. He's quite sharp in the brain and tactically he's superb. I'm never the 
boss - I'm just taking care of the place for Gerrard."

Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Maybe they have been there too long. Their success is  seemingly taken for granted. 
Anyone who has had success in life knows there's a foundation where  they started 
from. That is not evident at the moment. It is something we  will have to address. 
There's no question that the aspect which does concern me - and has  concerned me for 
a few weeks - is that Liverpool worked much harder than  Manchester United. They are 
now where we were four years ago so until we address that  situation we will keep 
getting results like this. Individual errors that have haunted us all season continued 
here, and  they underlined that Liverpool worked harder than us. We got what we 
deserved. Liverpool were the better team. I don't think the team will enjoy it, they 
won't  like being beaten by Liverpool here. We shall see how they react. Maybe it may 
be a good thing for them to be away for a fortnight now on international duty. It will 
give them time to think."

[16] Cole and Brown withdrawn from England squad
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
Andy Cole (hamstring) Brown (knee injury)

[15] Saint bloody Michael on their second
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
Scouse scorers: Owen 2, Riise

Utd: Becks

Fergie: "Individual errors have been endemic all season"

Owen on Riise: "It was unbelievable. I've never seen a shot hit so hard and so 
accurately. That alone was worthy of winning any game. It was a fantastic start."

[14] Mickeys 3 United 1
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
So let's hear the warning signs now. Previous defeats this season - and this is our 
fifth in total, what talk in August of not one? - have been followed by declerations 
that they should be put into context but after a very poor second half we now have to 
take notice that we can't afford too many more mistakes or the gap will grow.

Certainly this won't be the third season on the trot where we walk away with the 
league and those early season predictions of it being the toughtest pool of rivals has 
been borne out.

And there are worries. We have to reach top form, for we have just as big matches to 
come - and we have to overcome this recent failure to beat our rivals both home and 

Fergie after the Scouse defeat:

"Liverpool fought harder than we did"

"They looked like we did four years ago...we have to get back to that level 

His post match suggestions showed how concerned he is and how although it's Spring 
that is the most crucial time, to squander so many defeats so early (our most at this 
stage since losing to Blackburn) can be disastrous later. Of course this defeat is 
bad, but the vital question is like in previous years can we come back. Fergie once 
again blamed individual mistakes but for me the worst thing was the lack of that much 
repeated Fergie quote "desire". Very few Reds at Anfield showed that fight at Anfield 
that we've seen so often - show that and at least defeat can be followed by knowing we 
tried. But there was no Norman or Robbo or Keano "we will not be beaten" attitude - 
and the team looked as they gave the ball away time and time and time again as if they 
were waiting for someone else to come on and show that bit of spark.

Newcastle was touch and go, Bolton was just plain bad but here we saw a result that 
should now send a massive red warning light around Old Trafford. Don't doubt us - we 
are still full of confidence - but that isn't to say that the problems of the opening 
months of the season have to be worked on and sorted soon for us to maintain supreme 

We lacked zip, we lacked power in the air (and that is a real worry) and desire. 
Fergie looked as though he had given strong words to the team - as important as 
anything is now the result we get at Highbury. Not tomorrow but at the end of the 
month. We play a big rival - to show we are still the boss and in control it is a game 
we must, and can, not lose.

Enough. Too pissed off to continue. But also a message to the Scousers. Winning four 
on the trot hurts and upsets us. But where did it get you in the league last season. 
11 years and counting.

[13] Fergie: one regret
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by tb:
"There always seem to be more goals there than between United and Liverpool at Old 
Trafford. I've had two 3-3s there, won 3-2 and 3-1, had a couple of two-alls and been 
beaten 4-1," he says. 

"I can look back at the excitement I've had there and say, 'I enjoyed that'. My only 
regret is I've never gone there in an FA Cup tie. I'd love that. It might happen this 
season - or even a Champions League meeting." 

[12] Fergie on the sheep game
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by tb:
"It was 'bang!' up one end, then 'bang!' to the other. It was like one of those 
middleweight boxing matches where the guy's ear's hanging off. The ref says, 'Fight 
on, fight on; there's only a little bit of blood'." 

[11] Fergie remembers
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by tb:
And don't forget, this is his last chance to do the dirties in their own bin.

"In terms of tradition, Liverpool is still the big one," he says. "They were the team 
I had to beat when I came down here, the ones with a stranglehold on the game." 

[10] Hardly the same situation
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by tb:
As Al Fayed compares The Belfast boy playing for Fulham to Becks.

"I was coming to watch Fulham when George Best was here.

"I was proud that such a great player came to play for the club I loved. Best was then 
what Beckham is today.

"And if Best played for Fulham - why not Beckham? If we were good enough for Georgie, 
we are also good enough for Becks.

[9] Hello, I need some publicity
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by tb:
As the phoney pharoh gets all giddy

"If Jean Tigana wants Beckham I'll get him for my manager." "David is a good friend of 
mine - both him and his wife Victoria. They have had a holiday at my home in St Tropez.

"Sometimes when they come here together shopping, we have lunch and I'm always talking 
with him about playing for us. I tell him he can come shopping and spend all his wages 
here at my store!

"I'd love to have him play for me if he wants to come. Of course I can afford him, no 
problem. Beckham is a maestro."

[8] More Nantes inside info
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
By Ged

'Thought I would inform you on nantes. I spent a bit of time working in Bordeaux and 
managed to watch this outfit. Although they are not the team  they were because the 
French teams are very much feeder clubs to the rest of  Europe don't be fooled they 
are very well organised and have great movement  off the ball.  Like Bordeaux they are 
held in great respect througout the French leauge and are definatley not pushovers, 
but hopefully we can rise to  the occasion.  Theses teams are in this situation and 
are there on merit and  as you well know there are no easy teams at this stage.'

[7] Stuck in you
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'An 11-month-old baby became stuck in the European Cup after his father put him in it 
for a photo. The Barcelona fan was at the club's museum when he put the baby in the 
replica of the original. It took police and firemen more than 20 minutes to get the 
baby out. The baby was unharmed.'

[6] Merrett quotes in full on draw
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I was sitting next to Karl (Hopfner, the Bayern representative at the draw) and said 
to him 'yes, we will play you again'. Obviously the two managers (Sir Alex Ferguson 
and Ottmar Hitzfeld) are friends and we've been there that many times that we seem to 
play them as often as we play English teams. I don't think there's anything that the 
two sides don't know about each other and they're always great games. We've never 
played Boavista before so it's a case of old friends and new friends. I'm sure they'll 
know very well about the stars we have such as David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and Juan 
Veron, but they have stars who we will see too. It's just great to play in the 
Champions League."

[5] Houllier thanks Fergie
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I have been touched by the concern shown by many others from outside the club. I 
heard about the warmth of the reception at Charlton and can tell you that five 
Premiership managers also visited me in hospital. He wouldn't want me to say it, but I 
appreciated the fact that my old friend Alex Ferguson was one of those people. Our two 
clubs face each other on Sunday and despite the intense local rivalry, it was a great 
boost to receive separate goodwill messages from the staff and players at Old 

[4] Fabien interview in L'Equippe
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
iterview by Bielderman

translation from Planet Football

"Most of the time, when a keeper arrives at a club, he  succeeds in everything in the 
first season.  It's easier to adapt  than a player.  But the second season is often 
more difficult. In the worst moments, what ever you do, the ball will go in at an  
impossible angle.  On a collective level, I realise this is a   difficult period. We 
are just three points behind Aston Villa and we have qualified  for the second phase 
of the Champions League.  Frankly I feel as well  as last year, but one thing is sure 
: the opponents start to know me.  I knew that a bad period could happen and I told 
myself : 'Come on  Fabien!  Work more than ever !'  So I anticipated this.  For 
example,  physically, I feel better than last year.  The night after the Coruna  match 
I was really annoyed, because I played a great match with three 
or four reflex saves.

The misunderstanding on the first goal with Brown didn't destabilise 
me.  I never forget I am playing in a team that can score at any  moment.  The next 
day, Alex Ferguson came to talk to me about my  blunder during the training session, 
calmly, with a smile. He knew exactly that I didn't sleep the night.  It was not 
necessary  to exaggerate.  Me, after something like that, I retreat at home and  I 
don't want to see anyone.  Really no one.  The players were  exemplary. 

No one put the blame on me, even just after the game in the changing-
room.  On the contrary they came to support me. I absolutely don't care about what 
they (the English newspapers)  write.  And they must feel at ease because I will do 
other blunders  and they could have fun if they want... As they absolutely distort  
everything, I refuse to talk to the English newspapers.

Recently, Alex  Ferguson talked to me.  He told me : 'There is no problem with your  
dribbles, but by doing that, you irritate the opposing supporters and players and so 
you put us into danger.'  He is perfectly right.  But  for me it's a pride matter.  I 
want to reach the limits even go beyond them.  My career was made  with risks, even in 
very high level matches." 

The French keeper laughed off rumours of him leaving, saying: "The 
truth is that I found a club where I feel very well and I absolutely  don't want to 
leave.  Moreover, I just bought a flat in the centre of 
Manchester to better absorb the city's atmosphere. I never attack the players nor the 
coach, and I hope  they will do the same to me.

"It's my answer.  There are clubs where the players are attacking the 
coaches, here it's unthinkable.  There is respect.  We talk face to 
face in Manchester and everyone does his job." 

Speaking about the controversial friendly in Australia, that Barthez 
is injured for, he said: "Everyone finds this match ridiculous and I 
think it's a shame that they don't take the players' health more into 
account.  However, I must admit there were great improvements in the 
federation during the last few years. But we are true professionals,  in love with our 
shirt and responsible.  So, all the players selected  will give their best for the 
respect.  Anyway, we don't have any choice. 22 hours to go and 22 hours to be  back, 
we will be exhausted.
With such a jet lag, you are damaged.  And believe me, fifteen days  will not be 
enough to erase the tiredness of such a trip.  I think  it's logical that chairmen 
that invest millions in players, are angry  about a friendly match at the other side 
of the world..."

[3] Kevin keegan soaks himself in giddiness
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
After city's win over massive Gillingham

"In the first half we could have played anybody in the Premiership and we would have 
given them a hard time."

[2] Nice work if you can get it
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Basketball star Dennis Rodman must pay a casino dealer $80,000 for rubbing dice on 
him in 1997, a jury has ruled. Rodman wasn't required to appear in the Clark County 
District Court case, and he didn't testify. Former Mirage craps dealer James Brasich 
sought $300,000 in damages, claiming Rodman humiliated him.'

[1] Early good news for Sunday am
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wenger hints there is no way he'll join United - dismissing reports: "At least those 
reports show journalists in England have not lost their imagination." - and also 
suggests he will sign the new deal for the Arse next month.

So all those anti-Wenger songs for the Utd job that were planned for Monday's game can 
be put in cold storage...

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