[1] Great United Songs request
Posted Friday, November 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Regular Red News readers will know that twice in the past we have produced a 
collection of classic Utd fans' songs entitled Great united Songs.

It is over three years since the last edition and as a result have been deluged by 
requests for a reprint. We plan to go one better than that and in our Christmas 
edition enclose the latest updated edition of Great United Songs.

This is where we will need your help. We already have many classics from the previous 
editions but want this to be the definitive collection of Utd terrace chants.

So if you have any of the previous editions look through them and if you spot a 
classic missing - send it in to us.

Alternatively just send us a classic Utd song in that you think we might not have. 
We're not looking for something a mate came up with and only got going once but every 
Utd classic that was sung by the Utd crowd - be it the past, present or distant past.

It can be the anti city songs, the celebrations of our great victories, players' 
chants - but please send us in any songs that were classics in to us so this can 
include as many as are remembered.

Also if you know the author of the songs all the better so we can put names to them - 
and any corrections you may have spotted from the previous two editions. But most 
importantly of all spread the word amongst your mates so that we get sent loads of Utd 

Time is short - the deadline for sending any songs we may have missed is Saturday 
November 17th. So please send anything and everything for the next edition of Great 
United Songs to


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