[21] More from Chadwick
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I can't expect to play every week with the likes of Becks and 
Giggsy ahead of me because they are world class players. But when I do get the chance 
I just like to do the best I can. It  is unbelievable to play in this side. They are 
such good players it  makes it so easy for us fringe players to slot in when we do get 
a  chance. It was great to have a full 90 minutes on Saturday at Sunderland. I  felt 
good. I want to play more and I want to be in the team. But this  is an incredible 
team so I have to be realistic. I have had three  starts this season so I am pleased 
with that so far. It was one of my better games at the Stadium of Light. I enjoyed it. 
My hopes for this season are to play as often as I can."


[20] Chadwick does weights
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

"The club have got me doing a lot of weights and I've been boxing 
with the punchbag to give myself more body strength. The boxing and gym work has 
helped my strength and my sharpness. It  has improved my fitness. You box in short 
bursts but as well as  making me stronger it has also helped with my reaction time on 
the  pitch. I have put on about five or six pounds in weight since doing all  this. It 
helped going to Antwerp last season as well. I am a much  stronger and better player 
now than I was this time a year ago."

[19] Pscyho on Becks
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:

"When I played alongside David I never thought that he would go on to captain the side 
and, if I'm honest, there are one or  two players in the side now who I would still 
probably deem to be  more suited to the archetypal captain's role. But he is the one 
player who is on fire at the moment. No matter what he does, things are working out 
for him and, to be  fair, that makes me quite proud. The game has changed so much that 
I think a captain has to has to  lead by how he plays on the pitch. All the other 
little bits come after that, like rallying your 
teammates when things aren't going your own way. From that criteria of leading by what 
he does, I have no doubts  that he has the rest of the squad's respect. I've been in 
the squad with him and when you see some of the things  that he does on the training 
pitch and the passes he can hit, your  eyes really open. At international level it is 
very rare that a number of players  look at one individual and say `I can't do that'. 
David is just capable of producing incredible moments of skill."

[18] Fortune surprised
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I didn't expect us to lose over in Coruna, to be honest,. I knew it was going to be 
difficult, but they did well to get the  result. Even if Djalminha had been playing I 
thought we would have  had a good enough team to beat them. It was just very 
frustrating. We got the first goal and so we've  only got ourselves to blame for 

[17] Emerson on Wednesday
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Although the English Liga is a different competition from 
the Spanish, I hope that my luck continues in Manchester for the 
Champions League and Depor manage to win. To play at Old Trafford is special. Their 
supporters cheer the team from the first minute to the last, even if they're losing, 
and it is  an important asset for Manchester United's players. It is important to be 
optimistic, because although it is very  difficult to win away in the Champions 
League, three points in  Manchester would be very decisive in our ambitions to get to 
the  second round."

Let's hope we do cheer from 1st to 90th as last few Champs League home games have been 
dire atmospheres. We need to do our bit.

[16] Kenyon on Fergie replacement
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"All we will promise is that we will get the very best  person to replace the man we 
consider to have been the very best  manager in our history.This is a huge job. I 
think it is fair to say this is the biggest in job in football worldwide."

[15] Giggs on Wednesday
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's a big game on Wednesday and if we perform we are more or less 
through to the next stage. We know if we win we  are in a good position. It's in our 
own hands, and that's how we like  it, plus we have another home game after this. They 
are a quality team and a dangerous team. I don't  think it will faze them coming to 
Old Trafford. They have got  experience in Europe and have experienced players. We 
need to be on  our game. It's an open group. Everybody thought Lille would a  
pushover, but they are leading the French league and their confidence  is high. 
They've picked up some good results."

[14] Money men comment
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Football analyst William Davies of stockbrokers Capel-Cure Sharp:

"United can afford the Beckham deal because their revenue stream is going to continue 
to run the right way and as Peter Kenyon said, keeping players like Beckham is vital 
to their future. I think Kenyon's comments also indicate that they are not prepared to 
trade on Beckham's sentimentality or loyalty to the club and his mates. They are going 
to be as fair to him as they can. I think United know that if Beckham knocked on the 
doors of the largest clubs in Europe, they would only be too happy to give him what he 
wants. I think, though, what United are worried about is setting too much of a 
precedent compared to the rest of the squad. Ultimately no club - not even United - 
can afford to pay every player £100,000-a-week because they need profits to reinvest."

[13] Becks mania, part - 898986
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Becks' younger sister - often seen in the Utd end at games - is, according to the SUN, 
dating West Ham's Jermain Defoe.

[12] Norway were close to downed plane
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Norway team was in the same air space when the Russian jet was accidentally shot 
down by a Ukrainian military missile - as they were flying to Armenia at the same time.

[12] Fergie on big United squad
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I like to think of it that way because there is a contribution from all the players 
and they recognise that themselves. I am able to say to all of them at the end of the 
season: 'Well done, you have done well for us'. There are not 11 players, but the big 
squad we have has proved itself over the years."

[11] Squad for Coruna
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
F Barthez, G Neville, L Blanc, R Johnsen, D Irwin, D Beckham, J Veron, R Keane, P 
Scholes, R Giggs, R Van Nistelrooy, A Cole, O Solskjaer, D Yorke, W Brown, P Neville, 
L Chadwick, M Silvestre, N Butt, R Carroll.

[10] Get the current Red News - no.80 - tomorrow
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Issue 80 is the current Red News on sale tomorrow - just £1.50 - and on sale before 
the game outside Old Trafford.

Included in Red News 80 and unique to the fanzine (which you'll miss if you only check 
the website and don't buy the mag)...

The Red News take on the Jaap Stam departure with new details

Jaap Stam's ghost writer exclusive interviewed with his opinions on the book, his 
departure and what Jaap feels now. Why did Jaap write the book at this point in his 
career, does he believe it was 'footballing reasons', what part of the book was 
changed...well, you'll only find out if you buy Red News!

William Prunier interview - our two game legend - revealed. Find out his thoughts on 
Utd, his two games, Blanc and Eric and what he's been up to since.

Gossip - we know it is many people's favourite part of the fanzine so we have our 
biggest ever gossip column for this issue - 8 pages. A lot of gossip including...well, 
you'll just have to wait and see. Exclusive just to the fanzine.

A look at the lack of real quality video coverage of Utd games from the 50s - and why 
that is. Terry Lewis, Red and MP tells us about a Utd-Burney game from the 50s

A review of the Athens trip

A tribute to Les Sealey

and much more.

[9] More from Giggs
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I didn't see any reason why he shouldn't have been captain. There are different sorts 
of captains. When Eric Cantona was given  the skipper's job at United there were a lot 
of people who were  saying he was the wrong choice because he wasn't a bawler or a  
shouter. He wasn't a Bryan Robson or Steve Bruce-type. But there are different sorts 
of captains. Becks is in the same  mould as Eric. They lead by example. You can be 
just as successful  that way as Eric showed and Becks is now showing. I am not jealous 
of the England lads. Yes, I want to  play in a World Cup or a European Championship. 
I'm not jealous,  that's probably too strong a word, but I am envious. I am envious of 
anyone who gets to such tournaments."


[8] Giggs on Becks
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Becks was great against Greece. I see a different  David Beckham now at international 
level to the one I used to see. He  has realised his responsibilities and risen to 
them. He was always a quality player for United but for England you have  to step up 
to that next level. You only get one chance every few  months on the international 
stage and you have to take it. He has led by example ever since he got the captaincy. 
He's  definitely gone on to that next level for England. When you are a United player 
then something special is expected of 
you when you join up with your country. I have experienced it with 
Wales. The public look at you as the one who has to produce the goods, the  one who'll 
deliver that bit of extra magic and it is extra pressure.  But Becks has delivered so 
far. He deserves it because he works hard  and conducts himself well. There were a lot 
of questions asked when he was given the captaincy  of England but he has proved the 
critics wrong.  Being given that responsibility does change people, it can either  
help you or hinder you. It can be too much for some people. But if  you are a strong 
enough character like David is it is no problem."

[7] Italian trouble
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Italian football hooligans have sparked outrage by using the terrorist attacks on the 
US to bait rival fans. Juventus fans waved banners at supporters of local rivals 
Torino and chanted Osama bin Laden is one of you lot. And Livorno supporters upset 
Pisa fans by saying they hoped planes would crash into the Leaning Tower. Both clubs 
are expected to be fined by the Italian Football Association for the behaviour of 
their fans, reports La Repubblica.'

[6] Kenyon on players strike
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think it's in nobody's interests, the players, the clubs and the fans for a strike 
to take place. I feel confident, whether you are the PFA or the Premier League, that 
we will find a negotiated settlement. I think we all accept that the PFA does good 
work. There are a lot of initiatives that they put in place, which we as the Premier 
League support. I don't think this is about a bigger cut for the PFA, I think it's 
about understanding what they need in order to support the good programme. I think 
there's too much emphasis on percentages and figures, it's about understanding what 
collectively makes this industry what it is, and in the end I'm sure both the Premier 
League and the PFA will find the right solution to this problem. It will be resolved 
like any dispute and that will be by a negotiated settlement. That's the way these 
things are and whether there is a strike or not, there still has to be a negotiated 
settlement so let's get it done before we damage the industry."

[5] Kenyon on Becks
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The market is moving and that is one of the biggest issues that faces everybody. It's 
market forces which will determine the value and obviously players like David will 
command the top value. We have had a great relationship over the last 10 years with 
David and we certainly want him to stay. And I think David wants to stay so hopefully 
soon we will conclude a new deal which will keep him at Old Trafford. I don't think we 
are that far apart and I think it's a question more of process. It's got to be the 
right deal for both parties to enable him to continue his career at Manchester. All 
our business activities come from our success on the field so it's important that we 
have players of David's calibre because ultimately that's what drives all our other 

[4] More on NTS on Chubbing letter
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
RN letter

'Saw the news article on chubbing/ballots and thought this may be of interest.  I was 
recently chubbed for the scouse game. I was gutted obviously, particularly as I've got 
tickets for that one for the last 5 or 6 seasons no problem. Rang OT on the off 
chance. I was told that for that week, cos of the England game, they had a load of 
temporary staff in due to demand, and temporary staff did the scouse game 'ballot'. 
She seemed to suggest that if the regular staff had done it, they'd have recognised my 
name or whatever and I might have got 'luckier' than I did. The scouse game seems to 
have been a genuine ballot, cos in the pub pre-Sunderland a few regulars had missed 
out on scouse tickets, but lads who never normally get briefs from OT were successful. 
Not sure if this proves the ballot is bollocks or not, but you can stick your f*cking 
England up your arse cos I'm not going
to Anfield.

[3] Massive stadium nears completion
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wor Keegan:

"The stadium is unbelievable. I came three months ago. It was a vision then, now it is 
reality. Manchester deserves the Games. Obviously London is the main city, but where 
better after that than Manchester? It has got everything. The Games will give 
Manchester a boost and show the world what it is about. I am really looking forward to 
the Games, to the athletics and all the other sports."

[2] United badges available
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Manchester United Supportes Club Scandinavian Branch have made their own enamel 
badge to celebrate their 20 years anniversary. For details please contact: 

[1] More Beckham song offerings
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
One of them will take off...

To the tune of The Goodies: (or for those under 30, the Maynards Fruit Gum ad)

Beckham, David David Beckham
Beckham, he's coming for you
Beckham, Cockney number seven
Here he comes, down the wing
He is the, free kick king

Thing is, the bloody thing sticks in your head and you can't get it out...

[43] IMUSA statement on Sunderland
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Message from Mark Longden (IMUSA Chair).
As per previous communications, IMUSA are taking advice with regards to the refused 
entry and eviction of Manchester United supporters who purchased tickets from 
Ticketmaster for the game with Sunderland on Saturday.
Can any member affected by this contact IMUSA through the normal channels or mail  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   . In addition can you retain any purchase documents / 
We understand that many supporters affected by this are very upset and we would 
encourage that any complaints are made collectively through IMUSA.

[42] Lille extra tickets go on sale - but only 300
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Expect definite chubbings for this one.

>From the official site

so presumably some of these 300 are still for the over priced trips still available...

'We have received an additional allocation of 300 match tickets priced at the 
equivalent of £18.00 each for our away game versus Lille, to be played in Lens on 
Wednesday 31 October.

Applications are now being invited from members who are planning to make their own 
travel arrangements to France and all applications must be received at the Membership 
Office by 3pm on Saturday 20 October when we have a home game against Bolton Wanderers.

As we expect to be heavily oversubscribed, a ballot will take place on
Monday 22 October in order to determine the successful applicants. All those who apply 
will be notified by post if their application has been successful or not.

If you wish to submit an application you can either complete an official booking form, 
which is available upon request from the Membership Office or you can, on this 
occasion only, forward a letter. The information we require on all application forms 
is as follows: -

1. Names, membership nos. and passport nos. of those applying.
2. Details of your travel arrangements or proposed travel arrangements.
3. Payment, which can be by cheque (payable to Manchester United) or Credit or Debit 
card in which case you should quote all your card details.
4. Season Ticket/LMTB holders are also required to forward voucher 69 (duly completed).
5. If you require your tickets to be posted, provided you are successful in the 
ballot, please also provide a special delivery envelope.

Please note any application received by the Membership Office after 3pm on Saturday 20 
October will not be included in the ballot.

Incidentally a limited number of places are still available on the club's day trip and 
2 day trip both flying out of Manchester. For further information on the club's travel 
packages please telephone 0161 868 8462 during normal office hours, which are Monday 
to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

If you have any queries regarding match ticket only applications please telephone 
either 0161 868 8467 or 0161 868 8455, again during normal office hours.

Last update: 4.15pm, 15 October 2001.'

[41] Cuddly Peter Kenyon on Radio 5 earlier
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Not very illuminating I'm afraid. Synopsis below.

from Sue

* Noncommittal over players' strike, thinks that a fixed percentage is not  the way 
forward. PFA need to decide how much they need to their work.
* Asked about insurance for the team, and security - said he was happy with  
* Beck's contract - two sides not far apart.
* Club still has a pay structure.
* Business activity driven by success on the field, so must ensure successful  team. 
(He's been spouting this so often I feel he's only just come to this  conclusion - or 
am I being harsh?)
* Feels that TV deal money has not peaked.
* Selling Jaap a footballing decision. Related to overall constitution of the  team, 
wanted a different format. When offer came in from Lazio the decision  to sell was 
taken collectively (by whom I wonder?)
* They have a short list for manager. Will make moves after Christmas.
* Way club dealt with Fergie at end of last season was "unfortunate".
* Fergie will be working on non-football basis. With supporters' branches and  
initiatives with new businesses. (He said this together, so I think a chill  should go 
down the spines of branch secretaries considering what has happened  in SA and Far 
*If new manager fazed by Fergie then they've got the wrong man.

If PM for the day he'd abolish income tax for the day, on condition everyone  spent 
the money they saved!
Would like to see OT on a stamp.
Replacement national anthem to be Jerusalem.

[40] Crerand on Gary Nev
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Gary Neville doesn't get the credit he deserves, without doubt. Gary's been  in 
magnificent form but he does his job in a  straightforward fashion. He's polished, not 
flash. And he's doing a 
tremendous job. I know Alex Ferguson agrees with me and I bet the guy who's manager  
of England would agree with me as well. I think he's playing better  for England than 
he ever has. He's got better and better in the  England team. Becks and he  are big 
buddies and if you're two buddies together on the pitch for  club or country the one 
thing you'll certainly do is help one  another. I think they do a great job together. 
I bet Sven Goran  Eriksson would love his team to be as good down the left-hand side 
as it is down the right-hand side."

[39] Bayern alongside United
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bayern Munich 's Uli Hoeness

""We are one of the most profitable enterprises in the world. Adidas 
has been secured. There is only one football club which can compare 
itself with us: Manchester United."

[38] More from Cole
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's lovely to see, I think the future's looking bright for Man 
United. I thought Chaddy had a stormer, Roy played very well and Michael  didn't look 
out of place when he came on. If the manager says I'm flying at the moment, then I'm 
saying that  as well!  We've just got to keep winning and to keep performing to the 
highest standards"

[37] Fergie on Blomqvist
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Jesper wanted to train here, get his fitness back and  carry on playing. He is a 
player who should be playing top football  for a Premiership team - he is still 
capable of doing that. It's a little bit doubtful he will do that for us, because we 
have  cancelled his contract. We have one or two younger players coming  through in 
that position, like Bojan Djordjic and Kieran Richardson,  and we already have Quinton 
Fortune, so we are overloaded in that  position. There is a lot of promise, so that 
makes it difficult for Jesper. But he has done fantastically well. He was still at 
Carrington at  four o'clock in the afternoon, doing his programme in the gymnasium and 
his running - he has a fantastic attitude."

[36] Ole happy
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Don't worry about me - I will get my games, I will do  well. I am not bothered at 
all. I haven't started many this season  but I am happy with my performances when I 
have played. It's up to the manager to pick a team, and we have so many good  players. 
But when I am on the pitch, whether it's for five minutes or  for 90 minutes, it 
doesn't matter - I intend to perform 100 per cent. Last year I think I played nine 
games on the run around Christmas,  when we had a few injuries and suspensions. You 
are always ready - I have learned that in the last few years,  how to keep myself 
match-fit even if I don't play every game. Come the end of May, we all want to have 
the rewards."

[35] Fergie on Keane
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Roy Keane did a terrific job against Olympiakos, anchoring the midfield in the centre 
and breaking up their counter-attacks but I  thought it was a genuinely good team 
performance. The only trouble they caused us was from set-pieces. But Deportivo on 
Wednesday will be a different kettle of fish. They  are a good side with a lot of very 
experienced players and they are hard to beat, either at home or away."

[34] But Fergie confident too
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It is very important to win the group.It gives  the players a boost and sends out a 
message to the other teams in the  competition. We cannot win our group on Wednesday 
evening, but we can take a big  step towards achieving that objective if we see off 
Deportivo. Any victory without conceding a goal would be a tremendous result  for us. 
That would put us five points clear of them with two games  remaining. If we win 
without conceding on Wednesday we would finish ahead of  Deportivo even if we were 
level with them on points at the end of the  opening phase by virtue of the fact that 
we scored at their place. Olympiakos are not as good a team as Deportivo - nowhere 
near as 
good. But that doesn't mean I am trying to play down  our result or performance in 
Athens because on the night we were  excellent. Olympiakos might not be the strongest 
side in the Champions' 
League, but beating them at their own ground is very difficult - as  the records 
prove. It is easy to see why they had never lost a Champions' League match  at home 
until they played us. The passion generated by their  supporters is a big help to 

[33] Coruna confident
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Midfielder Amavisca: 

"In the  English league, United are not used to teams attacking them, and when  it 
happens they don't feel as secure. We have some tremendous attacking players who can 
change a match in  an instant and for that reason we stand a good chance against 

[32] Leeds jury sworn in
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'The jury in the re-trial of two Leeds United footballers accused of assaulting an 
Asian student has been sworn in. Lee Bowyer and Jonathan Woodgate are charged with 
causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Sarfraz Najeib.Bowyer and Woodgate are 
also accused of affray. The pair deny the charges. Mr Najeib, 21, of Rotherham, South 
Yorkshire, suffered serious injuries in an alleged attack in Mill Hill, Leeds, in 
January last year. The first trial at Hull Crown Court collapsed in April following an 
article in the Sunday Mirror. Two other men, Paul Clifford and Neale Caveney, both 22 
and from Middlesbrough, have also pleaded not guilty to causing grievous bodily harm 
with intent to Mr Najeib and affray.'

[31] The NTS mystery deepens
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks for the suggestions as to what NTS on a RN team members voucher sheet may mean.

We had this in from thegrinningfool. It had better not mean that = but we'll see if we 
keep getting knocked back won't we. And if so once again makes a mockery of talk of 

'I had it written on my sheet a few years ago after being "successful" in the postal 
ballot for the first two aways of the season, only to get nowhere else again that 
year, I took it to mean 'none this season'..... hope it was only my suspicious brain 
cell on overdrive!

[30] Shut out of Stadium of Shite?
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by redend:
A number of United supporters got tickets for Sunderland away via ticket master. 
Rumours suggest that up to 800 reds with these tickets were refused access at the 
In order to fully understand the events and to get actual numbers and therefore 
ultimately how best to take this forward can anyone affected please contact ( 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a brief version of events.
Any reds who found themselves excluded are urged to ensure they keep proof of 
purchase, and secondly to contact IMUSA via ( mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so it can be determined whether there is a case to take legal 
action against Ticket master, Sunderland, the Police or all three.

If nothing else - it needs to be said that this cutting of allocations caper should to 
be knocked on the head right now. This policy is far more likely to result in 
"disorder" than offering a full and fair allocation of tickets to away supporters - 
even if they do stand. Who are the pricks that come up with these ideas? A cynic might 
suggest that this is exactly why they have produced this policy in the first place - 
so any resulting disorder can be used as an excuse for more Draconian measures.

Incidentally - check out the posting on the  ( http://www.rednews.co.uk/forum/ ) forum 
by "Smoothtastic" - subject: "Top marks to..." re: the lad who jibbed in with a ticket 
from last year's Worthless Cup tie. Now that's showing initiative.

[29] Believe it or not
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
A member of the RN team actually got Chubbed for the Arse League Cup game - 
oversubscribed, blah, blah - but has had 'NTS' written on the front of their voucher 
sheet...anyone throw any light on this.


[28] Becks on computer game
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Cheesy and nice!

Rage Software releases David Beckham Soccer on November 23

"I must admit it will be strange playing a game with an image of me on the screen. Who 
knows, I might even pick up a few helpful tips to improve my game."

[27] Refused entry on Saturday - ring Talksport
Posted Monday, October 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Talk sport will discuss the events at the SOL on Saturday this afternoon (1-4pm) - 
anyone who was prevented from entering the ground and had their tickets confiscated 
should call them and get the points across.

Reply via email to