[20] Liverpool start to shake
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Houllier on Gerrard:

"What happened in the week added pressure on the players and on the team and it was 
not the best climate in which to play such an important game. All the focus should be 
on the game. You are not sure to succeed in this job, but you are absolutely sure to 
fail if you are not 100 per cent focused. It is not down to the manager. It must come 
from within the player. If the player is not committed to himself, committed to his 
job, committed to his lifestyle, he has no chance."

[19] Fergie on last season
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"This season is particularly important for me personally because it  is my last. Much 
is being made of the fact that the Final  is being played in Glasgow, my native city. 
A scenario which would take me home in triumph may appeal to some, but I can't allow 
myself to be sidetracked by that kind of thought. I don't think football owes me a 
final in Scotland nor do I consider after a successful career that I need a final at 
Hampden Park to give me a fitting finale. I am proud of what I have achieved and I 
shall not allow the ideas of others to interfere."

[18] More from Fergie
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"So when I first came into Europe with Aberdeen I was thinking about speed of play and 
passing, while still trying to absorb the lessons of Manchester United and learn about 
tactical variations and methods of preparation. I was also aware of the strain on 
British teams with so little time between our domestic programme and European 
fixtures. As I say, Europe is a litmus paper, not just for revealing your team's 
ability but the way you play and tactically prepare."

[17] Fergie - Celtic inspired me
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"When I was a young coach and indeed, as a player, the great drive was to keep the 
game fast, run the opposition off their feet and get the ball into the penalty area. 
The thinking then was foreigners didn't like heading the ball. It needed somebody like 
Celtic and the way they played their football to come along to change my way of 
thinking about what my approach should be against foreign teams.  Celtic, with their 
great speed of passing and movement, also had a great manager in Jock Stein. They 
became the first British winners of the European Cup when they faced Inter. On the one 
side was the Italian approach, scoring early and sitting back to defend, while up 
against them was the perseverance of Celtic, knocking on the door all night. The 
Italian system held intact for over an hour but Celtic never let the ball stop and 
their sheer persistence and speed of play eventually broke Inter down. As a Scottish 
player, I couldn't help but be inspired by what Celtic achieved. The ne!
xt season came an even newer way of playing with the emergence of Sir Matt Busby's 
team at Manchester United. You look at that team and they were all footballers, no 
long balls up the pitch. They played the right way and had three world-class players 
in Sir Bobby Charlton, George Best and Denis Law. That team also gave me a track that 
I wanted to go down."

[16] Share dealings
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Manchester United PLC has today been informed that the following share purchases were 
made on 8 October 2001:

Mr P F Kenyon (Chief Executive) has purchased 17,511 ordinary shares in the Company at 
121.75p per share. Mr P F Kenyon is now interested in 17,511 ordinary shares.

Mr D A Gill (Group Managing Director) has purchased 18,970 ordinary shares in the 
Company at 121.75p per share. Mr D A Gill is now interested in 23,215 ordinary shares.

The issued share capital of the Company is 259,768,040 ordinary shares.

The above purchases relate to the share element of the Company's annual performance 
related bonus scheme in respect of the year ended 31 July 2001.'

[15] More team news
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Sir Alex Ferguson faces an anxious wait before naming Manchester United's side for 
their Champions League clash with Olympiakos. Ferguson is hoping Juan Sebastian Veron 
will arrive on time after flying direct from Paraguay. Veron played in a World Cup 
qualifier for Argentina on Sunday night.

He faced the long haul to Europe after playing the whole of the match and aimed to 
train with United as they prepared for the match in Greece. The game was rescheduled 
following the terrorist atrocities in America on September 11 and immediately caused 
problems for United because it came close to the international break.

Ferguson said defender Wes Brown was available again after being out with a hamstring 
strain but he ruled out Nicky Butt, who has not fully recovered from the rib injury 
picked up at Tottenham 10 days ago. Ferguson will also check on Ryan Giggs before 
finalising his team plan. Roy Keane is eligible for this game although he is still 
suspended for two more Premiership matches.'

[14] Becks should be on £40m a year
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
According to Mark McCormack, agent of Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan.

"People are willing to pay top dollar for the best, and Beckham belongs in that 
bracket. He should be earning the sort of money Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan are 
getting. If his earnings are multiplied many times, it would be no more than he 
deserves. No one resents people in that category their millions as they generate huge 
interest in their sport. They get sponsors queuing to be associated with their 
success. And after seeing that goal by David and the reaction to it, I'd say he ought 
to be the Tiger Woods of soccer, no question."

[13] No, we're not joking
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
The SUN is now offering its readers David Beckham wallpaper. We say it once again, is 
that what they said back in 1998? Only Utd stayed loyal to Becks then, and he knows it.

[12] Early team news
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Although they all make the trip to Greece at the moment Giggs, Brown and Butt are all 

[11] Cockernee hell
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
The landlord of the pub in South Norwood - the Pleasant Pheasant - that saw its 
customers hang an effigy of Becks back in '98 now even gets in on the act

"It's amazing. If he had come in here a few years ago he would have been lynched. If 
he paid a visit now he wouldn't be allowed to buy a drink all night and everyone would 
treat him like a hero"

[10] More from Lawrenson
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"That is what makes him such a valuable player and why any of the top clubs would 
break the transfer record to sign him. But the fantastic thing for his club and 
country is that he loves playing for Manchester United and England and no-one can buy 
that sort of passion, commitment and work-rate."

[9] Mark Lawrenson on Becks
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"For a player with so much ability, his work-rate and passion for the game is 
incredible. Beckham's fitness levels are incredible but that is the case week-in and 
week-out with Manchester United. However, on Saturday against Greece it was almost a 
one-man mission. Becks must have covered every blade of grass, tackled every single 
Greek player and gone for every challenge. And yet he still had the energy and the 
strength in his legs to hit an incredible free-kick. You think of the other great 
midfield players like Luis Figo, Zinedine Zidane and Alessandro Del Piero and none of 
them put in Beckham's work-rate."

[8] Big Lily - the massive flag
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Anyone catch Big Lily the flag's owner on Talksport last night - another massive 
mention count as I lost count after 30 odd. As he said
it's a massive flag! and now he's massively glad to be reunited with Lily...

[7] Dutch manager speaks
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Van Gaal:

"The interest of United is old news. Clubs  always show an interest in Van Gaal. That 
has always been the case, wherever  I work.  I am working for the KNVB at the moment. 
I'm not thinking about other clubs.  First I'll make a decision about whether I'll 
continue at the KNVB or quit."

One thing that worries me - why does he heep speaking about himself as if he's not 
there? Van Gaal has a good record, Van Gaal has clubs after him, etc, etc - no, I have 
a good record, I have clubs after ME, ME, ME!

[6] Ruud wants Van Gaal as boss - at Holland
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"When I read the magazines then there are three names mentioned for United and Van 
Gaal  is one of them. He hasn't asked me whether he should continue or quit at 
Holland. If he would then I would tell him to stay. It's over for us now,  but I 
believe that we should continue with this group on our way to Portugal.  I just think 
that he will continue. It's more of a gut feeling"

[5] Game definitely to go ahead
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Uefa spokesman Mike Lee said: 

"We can confirm that the eight re-scheduled Uefa Champions League matches scheduled 
for this week go ahead as planned. We are of course aware of the current security 
issues following the events of last night in Afghanistan and continue to monitor the 
situation closely. We will issue a further statement should the current security 
situation in Europe deteriorate."

[4] Silvestre on France-Algeria abandonment
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Exclusive RN translation by Marc

"I wasn't afraid, they weren't agressive. They did not even want to 
stop the game. They just wanted to have a fun, show their face on 

[3] Come on down, the price is right
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Remember a ten issue UK sub to Red News the fanzine costs just £16.50 - and helps the 
website too.

Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG. Just let us know when you want the sub to 

[2] More from Giggs
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's true we are, in many ways, finding our feet again but it's still early days yet. 
Anyone who writes off a team with the firepower we've got is asking for egg on their 

It's already become a cliché, but the format of the Champions League is unique and it 
keeps throwing up strange results that people want to seize apon as evidence of this 
or that. The truth is it's like no other competition and getting beaten just isn't the 
big deal it's made out to be. Of course, we were gutted to throw away the points 
against Deportivo but we have ample opportunity to make amends.

When you're in a league situation, it doesn't matter who you're playing, you go out to 
win and if you get beaten, there's nothing you can do about it. In a true knockout 
competition like the FA Cup, there's absolutely no going back if you lose. But in the 
group phases of the Champions League, you're somewhere in between, although some 
people are still determined to ring the alarm bells if you don't get the result.

But we've been here before and that why there is a quiet optimism within the squad. 
Let's face it, any side going into such an important game on the back of what we 
achieved at White Hart Lane is hardly going to be lacking in confidence, are they?" 

[1] Giggs speaks
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We travel to Greece for a Champions League game against Olympiakos on Wednesday and 
there's no getting away from the fact this is a game we cannot afford to lose. 
Olympiakos are bottom of the group with one point, but if they beat us, they would go 
above us and leave us with a lot to do in the last three group games. Not qualifying 
for the second round is just not an option, it would be a disaster, which means we 
must get something in Greece.

We got out of jail against Panathinaikos last season in the second group phase. 
Typically it was Scholesy who delivered the goods in the nick of time with an 
equaliser in the 90th minute but if we ever needed a reminder of the dangers of 
travelling to Greece, that is it.

Everybody knows the boss wants another crack at the European Cup in his last season at 
the club and we owe it to him to make a real fight of it. We cannot let him down at 
the first hurdle.

I know people are desperate to write off our European chances this season after just 
two average performances against Lille and Deportivo. We'd be the first to hold our 
hands and admit we haven't played anywhere near the level we're capable of but it's 
ridiculous to say we've lost the edge that made us champions in 1999."

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