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[23] If you all hate scousers.....
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
Frank de Boer on the dippers:

"I would hate to play that kind of football. The pleasure of playing like that would 
be zero. As a player you want to enjoy the game. I don't think the players enjoy it 

"It is no fun playing with 10 men behind the ball. I wouldn't pay to watch Liverpool. 
Liverpool used to have a beautiful style a bit like Manchester United have now 
one-touch football with great technical skills. They were the England club that played 
what is known as international football." 

"Liverpool cannot win the Champions League playing this sort of football.

"It is no fun playing with 10 men behind the ball. I wouldn't pay to watch Liverpool. 
But I'd pay to watch Manchester United or Arsenal."

"You watch United and you see Juan Veron coming from midfield, Ryan Giggs, Paul 
Scholes and of course Ruud Van Nistelrooy. It's great fun to watch."

[22] Bayern injury latest
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
Nico Kovac, Mehmet Scholl and Pablo Thiam all definitely out, Jancker and Tarnat 

[21] Could be worse
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
>From Ananova:

Victoria Beckham says her new baby will not be called Trafford.

There had been speculation that the new baby would be named after the place where it 
was conceived, like Brooklyn.

But Victoria says the baby wasn't conceived at Old Trafford and that she thought it 
would be illegal to "perform an act like that" at the football ground. 

Talking to reporters in Flachau in Austria, Victoria called the baby "he" and then 
quickly said she didn't know the sex of the baby.

[20] Giggsy gossip
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
He's after Myleene from Hear'Say:

One of his 'mates' says:

"He's had a soft spot for Myleene for a while and has been ringing her to go out, but 
it seems he doesn't rattle her cage.

"But he's not giving up. He's coming to London soon and is hoping he might bump into 
her at a showbiz party.

"He definitely has good taste cos she's gorgeous and Giggsy can't be the only one 
who's tried to get near her."

An enduring image don't you think!

[19] Fergie: 26/5/99 repeat?
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
"We are due to beat them and this match gives us a great chance to strike a 
psychological blow."

"We've had some great battles with Bayern. We've had one very important win over them 
and they had a very important success against us last season. 

"But if we win, we are through to the quarter-final and I think Bayern will make it, 
too. So there is every chance we could be meeting again - in the final." 

[18]Veron: Frightening
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
"If you are playing and winning with confidence you take that into every game," he 
said. "At the moment we are playing some frightening football and that will only add 
to the concerns of our opponents, in or out of Europe." 

[17] Sabre goes Cityesque on us
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
"I know the Bayern game is massive, particularly after what happened last season. 
Maybe that ghost has been laid to rest by events in Germany this season, when we drew 
a game that maybe we deserved to win. 

"But Bayern are not European champions for nothing and there is a great deal at stake 
if we want to get the win that will help us reach the quarter-finals." 

[16] Fergie on Fab
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
I HAVE said to him, like others: "If you have problems, come and see me whatever they 
are.'' I had to restore his faith in himself, his ego and his pride. I always try to 
find the word or the action that allows the problem to be eradicated or at least taken 
off his mind. 

Fabien and I spoke a lot and made it so he stored the worrying elements that can harm 
his performance in one part of his brain. He is now back to his best. 

His back problems? I encourage him to work regularly on his back muscles in the gym. 

And I advise him, too, to watch himself, not to go back and forth to France too much. 

[15] Fergie on Larry White
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
HE has made just that one blunder since he came. We did not talk in the heat of the 
moment because I knew he was pretty unhappy as it was. He was even angry with himself 
and so was I. 

There can be one or two words that can escape me at times of great tension but I 
waited till I was calm. In the end, I realised it was perhaps fate giving us a sign. 
We had a lot less fixtures as a result. 

Do you think I waited to read the papers to know he wasn't the fastest player in the 

Laurent Blanc is a fantastic player and I am happy to be working with him.

[14] Fergie: - Suits you Sir!
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
'I NEVER stop taking the mickey, joking and making fun 
gently of their appearance. When they arrive wearing something switched-on, I say 
things like: ''How much did you pay for that?'' or "Are you wearing that for your 
manager, dearie?'' 

'When I see my players spending their money on clothes, at least I know where it is 
going. I prefer that to seeing them blow it all at the bookies or in the pub. Then I 
step in.' 

[13] Fergie on Championship
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
'I consider Arsenal our main rivals for the title. That will be the case for the next 
three years, even if Liverpool and Newcastle are making constant progress. Newcastle 
are a great club; their supporters are unique. Theirs is a religion. If they had the 
possibility of attracting great players, they would be hard to beat, but the climate 
is very difficult.'

[12] Fergie on Becks axing
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by tb:
'The fact he is no longer an indisputable first choice does not affect his love of 
'The feelings he has for this club are engraved in him since his earliest childhood. 
On the other hand, it does affect his pride. It does get to David.' 

'He has a very strong ego like all great players.'

'We had a quiet talk together. I told him what I thought about him. He admitted he 
wasn't playing well. When he left my office, he was clearly disappointed and 
frustrated, but the relationship between him and me is excellent.' 

'Since the incident two years ago when I had to send him home for having missed a 
training session because his son Brooklyn was ill, we have never had a difference. 
David understood that day where the limits were and how he had to adapt his way of 
life to his professional demands.'

[10] WE'LL DRINK...
Posted Sunday, March 10, 2002 by redend:
Alex Plypin ... nostalgia - it ain't what it used to be ...

The b@stards at the breweries have upped their prices by up to 8p a pint, and in the 
next week or so will be bleating to the Iron Chancellor about the crippling 
consequences of any possible duty rise in the Budget. Pubs are closing by the week, 
and most `off' sales are brought over from France in white vans, thus meaning that the 
revenue from such duty rises is usually negative.
As one who once said that he would give up drink if it reached a dollar a pint (That's 
25p to you whippersnappers - there WAS a time when £1 bought you $4!), I am now paying 
£2.06 for tolerable Guinness in the ST&LC! In my youth, £2 was enough to get totally 
lagged, and this now won't even buy you a pint in some places!
Whingeur apparently does not socialise after games, unlike every other manager in the 
game. In fact, his expression and demeanour suggest that he only sucks lemons for the 
juice. Yesterday's result was favourable for most right-minded people, athough there 
were rather too few cards for my liking. But, what substance is he on, if he reckons 
that the arse are on for The Treble? - Burton's window will be a pretty picture for 
him, come May

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