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[23] Ince adds insult to injury
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:

After the revelation (item [6] Ince - Scouse Lover) that Ince wanted Liverpool to win 
title. Has he never heard the phrase "When you're in a hole - stop digging". And 
bizarrely he [claims he] can't understand why United fans give him stick!

Ince says (from TEAMtalk):
"I didn't leave Liverpool in the best of circumstances but their fans never give me 
stick and that's why I'd like them to win the title."

"I still live in Liverpool [aha - don't want your house torched then] and Jamie 
Redknapp [does he still play for Liverpool!] is my best mate and I'd like them to do 

"I get a lot of grief from Manchester United fans and I can't understand it. They 
should remember I was part of the team which took the title back to Old Trafford for 
the first time in 26 years." [It seems its you who forgot that Paul. Especially when 
you went to Liverpool.]

"I sweated blood and shed tears in my six years at United and I think I should be 
respected for that [you were - its what you've done since that has smeared your 
reputation], but all I get is stick when I go there because Ferguson once called me a 
"big-time Charlie" in some television programme." [That is not the REASON - although 
we now realise, as always, Fergie was right.] 

[22] Boro take Stretford End ..
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:

.. in their dreams.

Boro have been allocated the Stretford End for the FA Cup semi final. 

The Boro boys are getting excited (or should that be exited - from the FA Cup) because 
it means they will have plenty of space to parade and drape banners. I trust Charlie & 
the VFC lads are storing away ours so the Smoggies don't get their mutant paws on them.

[21] Saints go marching in
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
This story was doing the rounds last week but thanks to Paul W for sending the 
Guardian article in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A University of York "boffin" has been doing research into football crowd singing and 
rates United 2nd behind Southampton. Mind you it should be noted that this isn't based 
on volume but rather on the pitch of the notes - i.e. is it in tune?

The Stretford End might not rival Concorde taking off nowadays but at least it can 
occasionally do a good impression of the engines warming up on the runway. And we know 
United are the unofficial champions away from home - a fact reluctantly acknowledged 
by many hardcore fans of rivals - although not the average 606 caller who wets 
themselves over the greatest (and most loyal!!) fans in football - the Toon Army [stop 
sniggering at the back].

Anyway here's a league table - it means nothing - but then does anything mean 
anything? What is love? Why are we here? Can I go now? (avec me coat).

Interestingly journo's still can't resist using the word "terrace" whenever its 
something about atmosphere - and yet many of the same would oppose  
http://www.safestanding.com safe standing and try to dispute the link between standing 
and atmosphere.

The Guardian:
"Terrace" singers

Top of the league... 

1 Southampton 

2 Manchester United 

3 Derby County 

4 Newcastle 

5 Liverpool 

And in the relegation zone 

16 Leeds United 

17 Fulham 

18 Aston Villa 

19 Tottenham Hotspur 

20 Bolton Wanderers 

[20] Ole gets shirty with Ruud  
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
TEAMtalk also report that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer paid over £5.5K for Ruud's signed 
United shirt in an auction in aid of UNICEF at the end of February.

Ole acts as an ambassador for UNICEF.

Keano also picked up a shirt signed by Ronaldo while Giggsy bagged a pair of Schmike's 

The auction raised over 100 Grand. 

[19] I snubbed Utd, Di Canio
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
He told TEAMtalk: 

"I know people wrote that unfortunately I didn't move because of Yorke. This is 
rubbish because, if I wanted to sign for Manchester United, I would have signed on 
December 24". 

"This is the truth. I didn't push it to go because, when there is a club that wants to 
sell you and a club that wants to buy you, if I wanted I would have moved in a flash. 
So I didn't ask to move - it didn't happen even if a lot of the media wrote that di 
Canio was disappointed because he didn't move to Manchester United, because Yorke 
refused to move. 

"This is rubbish, because the first contact was on December 23. If West Ham agree in a 
moment, then Manchester United say, 'No, sorry, we have to sell Yorke', this is stupid 
- it is not true".

"West Ham wanted to sell me, Manchester United wanted to buy me. If I wanted to go, I 
would say I am happy with the money, so I would sign in a minute. But I didn't ask for 
anything, I didn't want to move, I didn't move. This is the truth."

[Well certainly can agree with the last statement "I didn't move. This is the truth" 
but that looks to be about the only bit in it. Distinct farmyard odour.]

[18] Butt, Scholes and Forlan to start?
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
With injuries to Ruud, Keano and Veron ruling them out of the Boavista match it looks 
likely that Nicky Butt, Scholesy and Diego will get a place in the starting line up.

Nicky is in Red Hot form - OK well he scored on Saturday - with an overhead kick - 
which, according to most of the press, he must have kicked onto his own head before it 
went in. Now that's what I call technique.

A good time for Diego to score his first goal then, went very close on Saturday again 
with a great curling shot from the edge of the box. 

[18]Becks on team spirit
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
"The manager was saying he nearly had a heart attack when we went behind twice. [He 
did look a bit peaky after being drenched]. But we are always the same - we always 
seem to make it hard for ourselves."

"He has gone on a lot about the character in his team and that showed through - every 
one of our players has great character. The manager is always on to us about getting 
off to a good start and I think it annoys him when we don't."

"Thinking back to every time we have played at West Ham, it has always been in the 
last five or 10 minutes that we have lost the games. But we carried on and composed 
ourselves and when we played the ball around the way we did it was hard to stop us."

[17] Transfer bollox? Andrade
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
The Sunday M**ror claims that 23 year old Portuguese defender Jorge Andrade is being 
closely monitored by Fergie's scouts.

[16] Transfer bollox? Nesta
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
The News of the Screws also tells us that Allessandro Nesta has refused a move to 

Apparently he prefers the charms of Milano - the Inter variety.

[15] Transfer bollox? Reiziger
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
The News of the World reckons Fergie could try to stiffen it up at the back (leave it) 
by bringing in "Dutch stopper" Michael Reiziger.

The NOTW claims that Barcelona have knocked back a loan deal for the 28-year-old, but 
will let him go to OT in the summer for around £6.5m.

[14] Early team news:Trio out for Boa
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
To add to the injury to Veron (item [13]) both Keano and Ruud will miss the Boavista 
match - which we need to win if we want to top the group. And Ronny is a slight doubt 
too but at least he was on the plane unlike the dynamic trio that have been left 

Keano has a hip injury, while van Nistelrooy has a groin problem. Keane has stayed in 
Manchester for treatment, but Ruud's injury is not too bad so Fergie has said he can 
have a few days off to go home to Holland.

Fergie said:: 'Roy Keane has got a hip injury, which has been bothering him for a few 

'He got through the two matches against Boavista and West Ham, but we've decided to 
leave him behind. Ruud van Nistelrooy has got a groin injury and Ronny Johnsen may be 
doubtful, but he's travelled.'

Incidentally, we only put the "Early team news" tag in the news item subject because 
our esteemed (steamed by now) editor, who is on business in Porto, has some 
superstition about this and reckons it influences the result. Sad really.

[13]Veron injury
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
There are fears that Juan Sebastian Veron may have a broken bone in his foot - 
although this is probably press speculation based on the fact that he's been sent for 
a scan after injuring it against Bayern Munich on Wednesday.

Obviously he is definitely out of the Boavista match.

Fergie said: 'Seba got a knock on the heel in the game against Bayern last week. It's 
pretty delicate so we are sending him for a scan and hopefully there is nothing 

Presumably this will put the dampners on rumours we've been hearing that Veron was 
being offered back to Lazio in a swap deal for Crespo? Or .....

[12] Roeder is badly hurt
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by tb:
'Apart from the ability to finish in the way they do, it is the service the finisher 
receives. If you were to look at a video of David Beckham's passes and crosses today 
you would find every one was a winner that could hurt you badly.' 

[11] More Roeder praise for us
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by tb:
'With England I got to know them as people as well as players. The reason they have 
carried on improving in the manner they have is because they are excellent as people 
in their own right. 

'Whenever England were together as a squad, you always knew which were the Manchester 
United players. They were the ones who worked the hardest, wanted to do extra 
training, who had to be dragged off the training ground. 

'They have got better since those days and they will carry on improving because they 
have genuine desire. Generally speaking, you are born with that and if you are not 
then it rubs off on you being surrounded by them.' 

[10] Ruud favourite for 2000 Guineas?
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by tb:
As John Magnier (he of Coolmore Mafia fame)names a nag after Ruud

"I was very honoured," said Van Nistelrooy. "I didn’t know much about racing before I 
came to England, but the players often have team days at the races and I am getting 
more into it now, and I will definitely be backing Van Nistelrooy when he runs." 

Ladbrokes lacky Mike Dillon says: "John loves van Nistelrooy as a player, he’s really 
taken with him. That is why out of all the stars in the side, his is the name he would 
want for one of his horses. Perhaps I should make it favourite for next year’s 2,000 
Guineas now." 

[9] Roeder rests case for the defence
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by tb:
"I've looked at replays of the goals several times and it confirmed my initial 
reaction that we defended poorly and contributed to our own downfall," he said. 

"It must have been enjoyable for the neutral but it was painful for me that every time 
we gave United an opportunity, they took it." 

"While United will believe they scored some good goals, I believe they were all 

[8] Roeder upsets the pond life
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by tb:
"There's nothing wrong with a bit of booing but in my experience severe abuse is 
invariably counterproductive, for a player of David Beckham's quality, it will only 
spur him on to greater things. 

"Nobby Stiles always used to say that he knew he was really playing well when the 
opposition fans booed him. It always made him play even better. 

"I've worked with David and other Manchester United players when I was involved with 
England and they are all special players - and special people." 

[7] Becks on those cuddly eastenders
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by tb:
"The West Ham fans have given me some stick over the years and it was nice to give a 
bit back." 

[6] Ince - Scouse Lover
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
Ince could have remained a hero in the eyes of many United fans long after he left but 
one thing after another destroys the memory of the player he was for us - actually 
pretty good.

In his latest effort to further smear his legacy he comes out with this quote:

"It would be nice if Liverpool win it [you think that's bad - but he goes on to add a 
bit of literal ABUism] even if just to make a change from Man Utd winning it all the 

[5] Ole one short
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
Ole now has 18 goals this season.

Only one short of his best ever for United - apparently.

[4] 100 goals notched 
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
Scholesy's goal vs the 'ammers was our 100th this season.

Which is nice.

[3] West Ham stats
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
West Ham    3 (2) - 5 (2)  Man Utd  

West Ham Goals:Lomas 8, Kanoute 20, Defoe 78 
United Goals : Beckham 17, Butt 22, Scholes 55, Solskjaer 64, Beckham 89 (pen)
West Ham: James ,Schemmel ,Repka ,Dailly, Winterburn Defoe ,74 ) ,Labant ,Lomas 
,Carrick ,Cole ,Di Canio ,Kanoute 
Subs not used: Hislop, Moncur, Pearce, Garcia, 

Man Utd: Barthez ,Gary Neville, Blanc, Johnsen, Silvestre, Beckham, Scholes, Keane 
,Butt ,van Nistelrooy ( Fortune ,87 ) ,Solskjaer ( Forlan ,84 ) 
Subs not used Carroll, Irwin, Phil Neville, 

Bookings: Repka , Schemmel (West Ham) Gary Neville , Solskjaer (Man Utd) 

Attendance: 35281 

Referee: M R Halsey (Welwyn Garden City) 

[1] Unlike Dwight ...
Posted Monday, March 18, 2002 by redend:
 ... we find ourselves short staffed.

With half the RED NEWS team on the lash in Porto in preparation for the Boavista match 
we once again find ourselves undermanned on the news front.

Bare with us though.

And any items you spot - send them in to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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