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[15] www.rednews.co.uk
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
Just to reassure our readers. The site will continue to expand and we have no plans to 
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If we can't cover our costs like this we will obviously have to look at other options 
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[14] Apathy doesn't rule
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
In a time when much is made of loyal supporters' apathy to causes and protests fair 
play then to the Wimbledon fans who are camping outside FA headquarters to demand that 
they are not decamped to Milton Keynes. Two weeks on and apparently a dedicated group 
of Wombles are still there. Well, Utd fans always did like playing them.

[13] You've done nothing O'Leary
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
from his own Peter Ridsdale about the England job

"Arsene Wenger was considered as was Ferguson, but Sven was the No 1 non-English 
choice. People said because I was on the sub-committee David O'Leary couldn't be 
picked, which was a joke.  He was on the initial list but what had he done? He was 
never seriously considered for that reason."

[12] Crozier on Fergie meeting
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
"When I went to see him I actually had a dual purpose, although nobody knew it at the 
time. I went to pick Alex's brain about getting the right manager - but also to get 
his agreement to let us have Steve McClaren, his assistant, as part of our new 
coaching team. I wanted continuity, a long-term strategy. And I'd got the 
sub-committee to agree that we would have three or four coaches under the manager none 
of whom would be 'The Chosen One' as Bryan Robson was under Terry Venables, but any 
one of whom might emerge as the heir apparent.  For me, there were two searches going 
on at the same time. Every one thought I was looking for an England manager - but I 
was looking for an England manager and his back-up. As it turned out, I ended up 
getting the support team first: Steve from United, Peter Taylor from Leicester plus 
Sammy Lee from Liverpool."

[11] But Fergie helps Sven get the job
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the new book, Crozier on Fergie's help for Sven - and the FA did try for Fergie 
>it seems first

"Having found out as much as I could about potential targets and having listened to 
what expert witnesses like Alex had to say, I became absolutely convinced that Sven 
was our man. Alex was very helpful. We also talked about his players' feelings about 
the England set-up. When they went back to Manchester United after international duty 
with us, what were they saying about us? From what they had told him and from what he 
had seen, what did Alex think about our way of doing things? Where were we going 
wrong? That helped us to identify the sort of person we needed to fix it. I spent a 
lot of time with Alex, who was tremendously helpful. The night Manchester United 
played PSV Eindhoven he gave me a couple of hours at Old Trafford."

[10] Anelka slates Liverpool
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I thought we had an agreement and I wanted to stay at Liverpool. I feel as though 
they have let me down and they have not explained why they did not want to keep me."

[9] Anelka on his way?
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
According to two tabloids, Fergie will bid £15m.

[8] The dogs are set on Veron
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
after the comments, this from John Sadler

'JUAN VERON is entitled to his opinion - providing he is prepared to accept the 
consequences of free speech.

And, in his case, that could result in a departure from Old Trafford - far quicker 
than he has sometimes moved to help Manchester United's defence in this potless season.

So he believes Sven Goran Eriksson to be a better manager than Alex Ferguson.

So what, you may ask. So he has a bloody cheek, says I. And strange things happen to 
foreign footballers who arouse the gaffer's displeasure with words in a book - just 
ask Jaap Stam.

Now Ferguson may not be too incensed by Veron's preference for the gentler touch of 
Eriksson or his view that the Swede is a superior manager.

But it would be perfectly understandable if he resented such a public statement - 
particularly from the Argentinian for whom he forked out the thick end of £28million.

And hardly received half the value for United's money!

Veron talks about feeling at ease and feeling supported.

That IS rich. Ferguson has offered a measure of support and faith that is beyond the 
call of the manager's duty.

He mucked about other players to accommodate him.

Veron must know he has rarely looked like a £28m acquisition and any excuse will do. 
If he'd only been playing for Eriksson, for example...yeah, yeah, yeah.'

[7] Sven was to be our boss?
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From this new book on Sven.

This from the SUN

' The biography says "United did want Eriksson and shadowy, yet substantial contact 
was made through third-party agencies".

Eriksson, it is alleged, was "definitely interested and at one stage United were 
confident they had their man."

The book suggests the move was scuppered when Fergie decided to cancel his retirement 
on hearing of the move to appoint Eriksson. '

[6] Press are making a field day of more Veron comments
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
Are the words changed to suit an agenda? One thing is for sure, and we've warned about 
it in the past. Sabre (and Mikael) really should keep their mouths closed to stop this 
intrepretations or misintrepretations.

Veron on Sven and Fergie

"Eriksson is the same person in the dressing room as outside. Ferguson will challenge 
the team with strong words, which is not Eriksson's way. For me, the best coach is the 
one who is best at building his relationship with his players, so they feel at ease 
and supported. You need more than just a coach, you also need a friend, to perform to 
the best of your ability. There aren't many like that but it is the mark of Eriksson. 
Eriksson was very important to me - almost like a father figure when I first came to 
Europe. I had to live on my own for the first time. Sven was a big help during that 
period. For the first six months, he protected me. I wasn't having a good time on the 
field and he provided a calmness for me."

The Sun goes with the headline:

'       Veron: Sven better than Fergie 

JUAN VERON believes Sven Goran Eriksson is a better manager than Alex Ferguson. 

The Manchester United midfielder makes his stunning claim in an amazing new biography 
of Eriksson - serialised in The Sun this week.

Veron reveals he prefers the England coach's calm approach to the "strong words" of 
his Old Trafford boss Fergie.'

[5] United, Top of the league
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
May 'only' be the fair play league but yet again in recent years we top it - making a 
mockey of ABU accusations and no doubt barely covered in the press. Below from the 
official site

'Manchester United have finished top of the FA Barclaycard Premiership Fair Play 
League table. The Reds have won the  £30,000 prize for the third time in the last four 
seasons after accruing the greatest number of points in various categories -  positive 
play, respect towards opponent, respect towards the referee, behaviour of officials - 
with the number of red and yellow cards also taken into account. United will use the 
money to fund various community projects, as they have in the past. Liverpool finished 
second, with Champions Arsenal trailing in ninth.'

[4] McClaren knows Becks well
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We've got such a good medical staff so with the science nowadays, I don't think 
that's a relevant point about whether David might come back too early. When the 
medical team pass him fit, then he's ready to do everything and there shouldn't be any 
danger. I know David very well and he's a naturally fit boy.  I've seen him many times 
have injuries and come back. He never loses his fitness. He's maintaining it now, 
working in the gym, working with the physios and running on the field. In any of the 
fitness tests we gave them at United, he invariably came out on top. With England, 
he's certainly up there as well"

[3] Quotes from the past
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
Ruud on signing

"If people want to call me the saviour of Manchester United, that's not a problem"

[2] Red News offer
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
We have produced nine issues of Red News this season and currently have limited stock 
of 8 available. We are offering a special summer offer

All 8 issues together with a copy of the Red News book on May 26th 1999 - European 
Glory - thrown in for free.

In the UK this offer, including p&p costs just £13.50
£16 for Europe and £18 for Rest of the World 
(the full retail price for this offer would usually be £26).

Send all orders to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG

[1] Giggs on his lucky break
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002 by bar-knee:
"My break came in the winter of 1982 when I was nine years old. One afternoon, I was 
playing in a game for Grosvenor Primary School, and, unbeknown to me, a Manchester 
City scout called Denis Schofield just happened to be passing on his milk float.

Denis hopped off his float and, as he recalls, immediately noticed me. I remember him 
approaching my mum, who was on the side of the pitch watching me, to ask if I would be 
interested in joining a youth club side he ran called Deans. I jumped at the idea and, 
all these years later, I am the proud sponsor of Deans.

As well as playing for Deans, Denis put me forward to play for the district side, 
Salford Juniors. I went for a trial there with 40 other lads, which was whittled down 
to 28. I comfortably made the cut, but when they then divided us into an A and B team, 
I was only put in the B team. The A team played first and won 4-2, then I was on with 
the B team. We won 8-1 and I scored six. I didn't play for the B team again!

It was the most competitive and organised football I had ever played. We played other 
districts from Liverpool and Oldham and in my first year made it into the national 
final against St Helens at Old Trafford. We might have lost and Old Trafford might 
have been virtually empty, but as a United fan, I was determined to get back there one 

However, early on it looked like any professional career I might have would be across 
town at Maine Road. Denis was a Manchester City scout and so took me along to train 
twice a week at City's School of Excellence at Platt Lane. I enjoyed it, but was never 
fully committed. As a symbol of resistance, I always wore a red shirt, however much it 
was frowned upon! The City coaches told me not to come back if I kept wearing it, but 
I didn't listen to them.

By a stroke of luck, Manchester United got to hear about me. Harold Wood, a chief 
steward at United, was tipped off by the United-supporting mum of one of my Deans 
team-mates, who was desperate for me to be saved from City. He came to watch me and 
passed on the information to Alex Ferguson, who in turn sent Brian Kidd to make a 
check on me. I knew United were now on my trail and would try my best whenever they 
had a scout in attendance. Eventually, United offered me a week's trial in December 
1986. "

[28] 10 games from greatness signing leaves Liverpool
Posted Monday, May 20, 2002 by bar-knee:
Anelka leaves Liverpool

A club spokesman

"After a lot of thought we've decided not to make Nicolas Anelka's move from Paris St 
Germain a permanent one. This was a difficult decision and we know that Nicolas will 
be very disappointed, but the manager has always had to do what he thinks is best for 
the club and the development of the team.  We finished the season as runners-up and 
want to pay tribute to the part Nicolas played in that achievement during his loan 
spell at Anfield. Everyone at the club now wishes him well for the future." 

Houllier said last week:

"The transfer fee has been settled with PSG and we have also sorted out terms with the 

Er, not quite.

[27] Song of the day
Posted Monday, May 20, 2002 by bar-knee:
To Follow Follow

12 years, 12 years 12 years
coz you ain't won the league in 12 years
there were thousands of reds
10 games from success
and you ain't won the league in 12 years.

A Whitefield Red

[26] A Red Perspective
Posted Monday, May 20, 2002 by bar-knee:
Whatever next, Wes Brown risks injury on a water chute!
Well most injuries occur in the home, so will all players be banned from their homes? 
You only have to look at the Spanish keeper, injured whilst putting on aftershave, 
pity it never happened to King Kev with all that Brut...Id have loved it!


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