Am 07/02/2012 08:14 PM, schrieb Dave Fisher:

On Jul 2, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Kay Schenk<>  wrote:
On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Rob Weir<>  wrote:

I suggested this on the list a few weeks ago.  I'd like to now move
forward with it.

I'll volunteer to be one of the list moderators.  But I need 2-3 other
committers to volunteer as well.  Let me know if you can help.

l10n = localization or localisation, depending on where you went to school.

The purpose of the list would be coordination of the localization
efforts, including translation, for AOO.  Another purpose would be for
coaching new translators on the project., helping them to get started
and productive with our tools.

In other words, rather than ooo-dev's "drink from the fire hose"
approach, where power-user email filtering skills are necessary to
preserve sanity, let's offer a more focused collaboration environment
for translators


Well I don't recall your original suggestion, but this sounds like a very
worthwhile idea. Our translation efforts are gaining importance and
momentum and it would help if a more focused area were available.

The suggestion was originally another thread.  You can see the fuller
justification here:

It was deep in a thread where it was your 5th message within 2 hours. I'm 
sorry, but my Rob filter does trigger at some point.

I'm glad you are bringing this up again.

I think that the name ooo-l10n is a hard one to understand. It is too technical plus "l" 
and "1" are hard to distinguish.

I think ooo-translate would be clear.

+1 either way.

As it is not only translating A into B but also to integrate other locale-releated things (e.g., 1,000.00 US-$ or EUR 1.000,00) localization is the a good fitting word.

And I don't think that "@ooo-l10n" is the first point to get in touch with this entry. It's more likely to come from the webportal ""; or the general ML @ooo-dev to the localization ML. Then it should become clear by itself.

So, +1 for the new list.


Would this include BOTH translations for the product as well as web related
matters? I don't know how the original was used really...

Yes, it could handle both.

Yes, agreed. I have been thinking about NL and may have a radical suggestion - 
I need to discuss an idea about the CMS with Joe. Essentially I would like to 
make translations live alongside the en-US versions in the website.This is a 
whole other discussion.


So, +1 from me on this.

I probably couldn't help much with moderation, however. :/

The old project area for I10n could really use an overhaul as well.

One step at a time I guess.

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