On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, TJ Yang wrote:
> Previously, Eric Boutilier wrote:
> >
> > The project goal states
> >
> > "... provide OpenSolaris OS a modern package
> > age management system."
> >
> What will be the right wording of above sentence ?


First let me backtrack a bit. In my first reply I didn't realize that
whenever you say "Package Management System" (PMS) you mean a system
that encompasses _both_ a build-system and a binary package management,
auto-update system. I tend to think of these things separately. To me,
a "PMS" is _only_  a binary package management, auto-update system.

Furthermore, in my view these two technologies should be _evaluated_
separately. Last Thursday, for example, I posted this blurb on my weblog:


(An HTML-to-text version is also included below.)

It explains how I've decided to plumb the depths of the JDS team's
CBE/pkgbuild, which is and example of a project that focuses strictly
on build-system technology. In other words, CBE/pkgbuild leaves the
development of binary package management up to other projects (such as
pkg-get, Sun Update Connection, TWW, pkgsrc/gensolpkg, or any other
system that does SVR4 binary package management.)

Now back to your question:

> What will be the right wording of above sentence ?

I'd suggest an initial goal statement something like this:

    "... Evaluate and endorse a standard build system(s) for

Then this separate goal statement:

    "... Evaluate and endorse a standard binary package management,
     auto-update system(s) for OpenSolaris."

I would also put the following limit on both:

    "Only systems that support the Solaris SV4R package standard
    qualify for evaluation."



[HTML-to-text version of weblog entry]

Subject: Edification endeavor: Solaris FOSS build system

I've decided to teach myself how to build Solaris [FOSS][1] packages
using the JDS system which is based on [pkgbuild][2] and the [CBE][3].*

Here's what I did today:

  - Did a fresh install of Solaris 10 on [this rig][4]. Chose "Entire
    Distribution", "[DHCP][5]", "[DNS][6]", among other things (see
    [Solaris 10 installation][7]), and everything came up fine. The box
    has an [rtls][8] NIC, which configured fine, and which I connected to
    a [network hub][9] on my [DSL][10] setup.

  - Installed the CBE, Sun Studio Compilers and required patches per
    [these instructions][11].

* The motivation to do this came in part from the advent of the JDS
  team's [desktop community plans][12] and the related [getting-started
  info][11] that [Glynn Foster][13] posted on the new [desktop community

    [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOSS
    [2]: http://pkgbuild.sf.net
    [4]: http://www.productquest.net/coprs4ce24gh.html
    [5]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol
    [6]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS
    [7]: http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-0544/6mgbagb1b?a=view
    [8]: http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-5177/6mbbc4g9g?a=view
    [9]: http://www.jr.com/JRProductPage.process?Product=3973484
    [10]: http://speakeasy.net/home/
    [12]: http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=1079&tstart=0
    [13]: http://www.gnome.org/~gman/
    [14]: http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/desktop

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