Eric Shrock,

I want to host a community which already exists, the 'CIFS community', on the 
OpenSolaris website.  I want to do this since we have several implementations 
that work on Solaris of CIFS already and especially since there is a native 
OpenSolaris client coming out, which has been wanted for some time.  Going to  
google and typing 'CIFS community' as a search will show you some results of 
where the CIFS community members lurk for other operating systems or for 
specific cross-platform implementations.

If ZFS, and indeed, all the FS's may migrate to being projects in a Filesystems 
community at some point then that's fine.  Until then, I would prefer to keep 
things consistent and organized, and we can move them all together.  A lack of 
consistency in organization would bother me.


I was told that to get this created we need to achieve a consensus.  I don't 
see any kind of process for this other than perhaps someone with administrative 
powers that looks at the thread and decides that it looks 'consensus-y' enough? 
 I have not yet been contacted by anyone who openly admits to have any kind of 
administrative capacity on this forum, or pointed towards anyone who did.  In 
the Governing body section, I found Casper Dik and Simon Phipps's email and 
have bcc'd them in this response.  They seem like the head honchos, cause right 
now I feel like an alien that just landed on a planet and is going 'Bzrrrpt!  
Take me to your leader!'. :)

However, I don't think this is supposed to be a bureaucracy, open source is 
bing bang zip, you can make the change and fix the problem pronto.  That's why 
it's awesome, and let's set that as an example in our behaviour as well.  

So please don't leave me in limbo, either:
1) Help me to set up a CIFS community (Cheers and Yays appreciated)
2) Help me to move all the FS's into a big Filesystems community, and 
reorganize them all as projects.

To everyone that responded thus far, thanks for all your help and input.

Mark Sweeney
Solaris Kernel/Networking Development, Filesystems
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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