> MC wrote:
> > Not that I care for bureaucracy, and not that I
> know what is happening here, but... 
> >
> > I think if you strong-arm past the OpenSolaris
> community bureaucracy (and again, not saying you are,
> because I don't know much about it), it'll be
> archived forever and referenced in the future to show
> how Sun only takes said OpenSolaris bureaucracy
> seriously when it is convenient for them.
> >  
> >   
> Context?

Re: Context

See: http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=168840
And see the many threads on many different lists/forums about the naming issue.

My understanding of the OpenSolaris constitution, community, and OGB is that 
the  OGB appoints members of the community ("core contributers") to have the 
power to vote on issues that concern the community.  

The naming issue obviously concerns some members of the community.  So I 
figured I'd see some voting happen before decisions were made.

I became especially concerned about the integrity of the OpenSolaris 
bureaucracy when I read this part of Mr. Murdock's statement:

> Again, I have no doubt this will be controversial. However, it is the
> right thing to do for the community

I became concerned because I thought it wasn't his call to decide what is right 
for the community.

I hope that clarifies my previous post for you!
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