On 11/1/07, EricB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I should have also mentioned that the other reason I say things are
> still fine is I now believe (see earlier in this thread) that the name
> announcement is a tentative decision pending the outcome of the "Plocher
> trademark policy initiative".

Please define fine. From my very cynical viewpoint, this is all a part
of Ian's plan to bypass/destroy the existing OpenSolaris structures
and processes. The constitution, ARC, a strong and independent OGB
etc. They are all inconvenient for the goal of having a rapid release
Solaris distro that sets the standards for the entire OpenSolaris

Choices that would be contentious, like what shell to make sh, will
just be made by Ian and his distro developers, and those choices will
become mandates for the rest of the OpenSolaris world. (Where before
this would be an worked out in a CG and passed to the ARC).

Now, here's the thing. Making these choice, is all fine and good for a
distro, but that distro shouldn't be called OpenSolaris. (Rather
SolarisNG or Solaris Rapid Release, or even Indiana OpenSolaris)

In other words, Ian seems to have decided that democracy is a bad way
to run an open source project, and wants to install himself as
"benevolent dictator". (Note his comments about "doing what's best for
the community")


> Eric
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