Brian Gupta wrote:
> In other words, Ian seems to have decided that democracy is a bad way
> to run an open source project, and wants to install himself as
> "benevolent dictator". 

OpenSource efforts are invariably meritocracies.

Those that /do/, lead.

Ian and the OpenSolaris Project are out there /doing/.  They
chartered a Project to do this, found several CGs to endorse
their vision, and have just delivered the first distro built
by the community out of the community's source code.

If you want to be involved in the democracy, go make yourself
heard as a core contributer in the install and packaging CG
so you can be directly involved in those decisions.  Since
you are a core contributer there, I assume you have done so;
since you are complaining here, I presume such efforts didn't
generate the results you desired...


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