Ché Kristo wrote:
> We all hope as Neil suggested in his post that this is an isolated incident 
> arising from a rogue middle manager. Given the whole fiasco we had around the 
> use of the OpenSolaris brand for Indiana it would be good judgement for Sun 
> to reply to this news in a very transparent and honest fashion. I would like 
> to know:
>  * Is this sort of behavior from middle management condoned by the senior 
> executive?
>  * If not, what will be done to make good on the damage done to the OpenDS 
> community?
>  * As these staff members were members of the community paid by Sun to act on 
> their behalf will there be any sort of apologies/reparations made to these 
> staff for the appalling treatment they received?
>  * What guarantees can Sun offer to other Open Source communities in which it 
> has the controlling hand?
>  * What are Sun's plans for the future of OpenDS?

What do 4 out of the above 5 questions have to do with OpenSolaris?


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