Personally I really like the /root thing. But, big but, that's only 
because I hate all those "/.ghatever" :) files in my root filesystem. 
And that  just because the root user used a browser or some other GUI 

And that brings me to my main point, why would 'root' ever, ever use a 
browser, do XxxxOffice, etc. IMHO root should be blocked fom using GNOME 
or any GUI and only be allowed to do CLI / console access. Which in 
reality would probably mean that only 'normal' users will login at the 
the Gnome login prompt and then you can open a terminal and do a 'su'. 
Which is what Indiana is currently doing, but my guess is that that's 
because of a bug.

I know this would be pretty drastic, and please see this only as a 
personal "brainstorm". Nothing else!! Just a vent of idea's. And I do 
have some others that are way, way more drastic. :-)

On the topic of the default shell, yep you can make it a question during 
install. I don't understand why people hate bash, I like it as a user. 
But  for scripting I still use /bin/sh all the time. So my preference 
would be to go for /bin/sh as the default shell for root and then 
/bin/bash as the default for 'normal' (who is normal here? :-) users.

And for the rest, I see Indiana as a nice pre-pre-pre-release to open 
up. Which is a good thing!! Why always first discuss things to death and 
them implement it, instead of first doing a prototype, releasing that 
and then see what everybody likes or not. No need to become agitated 
here, it will take some time and good discussion before what is put on 
the table with Indiana will find its way into production Solaris. This 
is healthy!!

Just my two cents.

> I too find /root an extremely poor choice; which part of "root" do
> these people not understand?
> Of course, if you then say "but all the window and browser garbage in /?"
> I can only say that I think that /.mozilla should be linked to /dev/*mem
> in order to ensure maximum damage when you start a browser or window system
> as root.
> Casper
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