> On the topic of the default shell, yep you can make
> it a question during 
> install. I don't understand why people hate bash, I
> like it as a user. 
> But  for scripting I still use /bin/sh all the time.
> So my preference 
> would be to go for /bin/sh as the default shell for
> root and then 
> /bin/bash as the default for 'normal' (who is normal
> here? :-) users.

I have some serious issues with bash.
1) It is bloatware.  Look at the size of this!  Why would anyone choose it for 
non-interactive use and waste resources galore.
2) It has bad behavior when doing complicated job control. I had to make a 
program that launched a shell to perform user defined functions. The problem 
was that this meant that users could launch sub-shells, graphical applications, 
etc.  I needed to trap signals to do ctrl-c handling, etc.  Of all the shells, 
ksh was the only one that did what was needed. Bash did it right sometimes, 
depending upon the level of sub-shell nesting and the phase of the moon.  
Because of this one fact, I've become a ksh/ksh93 proponent.

What really really irks me about bash, is that it has become ubiquitous in the 
Linux community as a replacement for sh.  It is not sh, it is bash with it's 
own quirks and incompatibilities with sh.  So call it bash, not sh as just 
about every script in Linux declares, but then uses bash extensions.

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