I realize that paid support is what pays the bills, but I as a private 
individual running a server for my family am not going to be paying for 
support.  I don't know what my employer does; hopefully "pays the bills".

So your statements to the effect of "No guarantees, but we DO trust it with all 
of our stuff" creates a perspective that has some meat to it.  However an key 
part of your message as to compare it to "FCS", but I don't know what FCS is!  
Please tell me!

As far as updates are concerned, if I remember correctly SXDE makes two 
partitions so that you can update one and still have the old to fall back on.  
This is a very valuable feature.

I have a feeling that I am going to be scraping everything and installing SXDE 
this afternoon.  It appears that it would be a better way to go on balance.

Thanks again.
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