Ray Clark writes:
> I realize that paid support is what pays the bills, but I as a private 
> individual running a server for my family am not going to be paying for 
> support.  I don't know what my employer does; hopefully "pays the bills".

In that case, I'd recommend using an OpenSolaris-based distribution

> So your statements to the effect of "No guarantees, but we DO trust it with 
> all of our stuff" creates a perspective that has some meat to it.  However an 
> key part of your message as to compare it to "FCS", but I don't know what FCS 
> is!  Please tell me!

Sorry about that.  FCS means "First Customer Ship."  "FCS quality all
the time" means that projects (and bug fixes and RFEs) are not allowed
to integrate until they're _done_ -- which means testing and all
reviews and fixes come first.  We don't integrate things with the aim
of testing them later ... otherwise, crucial internal servers (such as
jurassic.sfbay and even the onnv.sfbay gate machine) suddenly become
guinea pigs.  You might get away with that a few times, but eventually
your luck will run out, and you (the developer) will have a very bad

> As far as updates are concerned, if I remember correctly SXDE makes two 
> partitions so that you can update one and still have the old to fall back on. 
>  This is a very valuable feature.

Yes.  You can do the same on S10, but it doesn't install by default
that way.

> I have a feeling that I am going to be scraping everything and installing 
> SXDE this afternoon.  It appears that it would be a better way to go on 
> balance.

I'd suggest so, particularly for a home machine.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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