On Dec 22, 2007, at 1:47 AM, James Carlson wrote:

> Ray Clark writes:
>> I realize that paid support is what pays the bills, but I as a  
>> private individual running a server for my family am not going to  
>> be paying for support.  I don't know what my employer does;  
>> hopefully "pays the bills".
> In that case, I'd recommend using an OpenSolaris-based distribution
> instead.

There used to be a service plan for Solaris costing only $120/year.  I  
can't find
that service plan any more and it seems that the cheapest plan is now  
$324.  At
$120 a year even a home user could afford it but at $324 I find it  
harder to
justify and OpenSolaris looks like a more attractive alternative.


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