* Joerg Schilling (joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de) wrote:
> Glenn Lagasse <glenn.laga...@sun.com> wrote:
> > > The way you proprose to do things does not work as it has been
> > > verified that it is close to impossible to collaborate with Sun as
> > > long as proposals for intergating fixes are just ignored.
> >
> > You're joking right?  I see requests for sponsorship come in and get
> I am definitely not joking. Are you joking? 

Certainly not.

> I tried and it does not work.
> I am still waiting for a reply on a request.......

What request might that be?  I haven't seen anything from you on
request-sponsor in a very long time (at least nothing that comes to my

> BTW: I am of course willing to change my current impression after 
> PSARC/2004/480
> has been worked on and the integration did take place.
> I am still waiting for a reply..........

Ah, I see.  We're back to star again (as I suspected).  I'm not privvy
to what the issue with star being integrated is or was.  The case was
approved.  From what I understand based on what people have told me is
that there was work that needed to be done before the integration could
happen.  Sun wasn't willing to do that work and apparently neither were
you.  So, it hasn't integrated.  So, out of morbid curiousity at this
point just what exactly are you waiting for in a reply and from whom?

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