Glenn Lagasse <> wrote:

> > I did send two attempts to request-sponsor and did never get any
> > reply.  What do you expect me to do? Do you expect me to repeat my
> > mail once a week?  I am adult and I am not interested in playing
> > games. Sun did verify that the "official method" does not work and
> > this can only be changed if a person from Sun starts an initiative
> > that is able to prove that things have been changed.
> I would expect that if you really wanted to get your changes integrated
> you would 'keep trying'.  If that means sending a request once a week

I did for a long long time.

I did even send private mail to several Sun people including Jim Grisanzio
to no avail.

> Why you didn't just come out and say 'I sent a request via the proper
> channels and never received a response' baffles me.

I did and it does not leave a nice impression if the "proper channels"
are redefined instead of properly responding to an integration request.

> > When I look at the list of recently integrated OSS projects, I cannot
> > believe that there is no time for PSARC/2004/480. Just delay one of
> > the less important other projects....
> It comes down to cost vs benefit.  If there were customers screaming
> (lots of customers) to have star integrated, then Sun would probably
> find a way to make it happen.  At least that's what I've observed in my
> years at Sun.  That's not occurring (large numbers of customers
> screaming for it) and so it's a much lesser priority.  Simple as that.

Well please send me some data that helps to prove your claim that the 
other FOSS programs that have been integrated meanwhile create more benefit for 

As it seems that you don't know, PSARC/2004/480 is a result of requests from
customers that complained with the missing interoperability between Sun's
/etc/rmt and the client implementations on Linux and about the performance 
of Sun's /etc/rmt that leaves much to be desired.....

> You have an interest in star being part of OpenSolaris (I personally
> commend you for it) and so do the work and make it happen.  I've said
> this before, waiting for Sun to do every thing one might want in
> OpenSolaris is merely going to cause one frustration.  The source is out
> there, there are ways to contribute, step up, do the work and be happy.

OK, then open up the repositories for me and give me an accoun that allows
me to do the integration without help from Sun. 

As long as Sun does not make the repositories open enough, the fact that 
Sun did prevent collaboration since more than 4 years leaves a really bad taste.

> > Are you willing to correct the impression that has been created by
> > people from Sun? Are wou willing to collaborate? If not, do you know
> > any other person who is willing to collaborate?
> I'm happy to point you in the right direction, that would be
>  I'm not willing to sponsor your
> putback.  It's an area I don't know even if I had the time to do so.  I
> do know that in the past 6-8 months (if not longer) there has been a
> concerted effort to make sure that requests for sponsorship don't go
> unanswered.

My impression is that you are not serious here :-(

It has been documented that Sun did not respond in a useful way sice more than
4 years.

> > As I did verify, the documented way fails and it is your turn to verify 
> > that 
> > you are able to fix documented problems.
> Actually, that's not true.  You haven't verified anything to me other
> than you made an attempt to get a sponsor and then didn't get a
> response and stopped trying.  There's any number of reasons why that

I am not sure in what world you live, but in the world we other people live,
Sun did fail.

If you really like to prove that Sun is ready for collaboration, then
do so! Send a mail to me that you finally found a person that is going to do the
roght things. Sun did prove that things don't work and if you like to verify 
that things changed since then, you need to become active.


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