> 03.06.2010 14:01, Edward Martinez пишет:
> >> On 06/ 1/10 11:59 PM, Edward Martinez wrote:
> >>      
> >>> I just read AMD opterons and Linux is powering
> the
> >>>        
> >> worlds fastest supercomputer. If the x86 platform
> and
> >> Linux now  has the capacity to  produce this type
> of
> >> results, where does  this leave Power and SPARC
> >> platfroms?
> >>      
> >>>        
> >>
> http://www.marketwatch.com/story/amd-opterontm-process
> >>
> or-again-dominates-top500-2010-05-31?reflink=MW_news_s
> >> tmp
> >>      
> >>>
> >>>        
> >> The graphics here are interesting:
> >>
> >> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/10187248.stm
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> Ian.
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> >> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
> >>
> >>      
> > They are indeed interesting, but what  I find more
> interesting is that there are more X86 platforms
> running linux then there are POWER platform running
> AIX and SPARC platforms running Linux/Solaris. when
> looked under "By Processor" from the top tabs"  SO,
> this makes me ask if POWER and SPARC platforms
> running AIX and SOLARIS are more superior then x86
> platform running Linux, then why are they not being
> used more to build supercomputers?
> >
>   http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/10187248.stm
> elieve reason is simple it is acceptable
> performace/price ratio for 
> x86 hardware with regards to math calculations. You
> would not need all 
> this visualization support provided by POWER and
> SPARC hardware and 
> corresponding to them operating system for HPC. So
> why pay for something 
> you wouldn't need?
> _______________________________________________
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org

I'm beginning to get it.
Here are few quotes from article

The announcement of high-end servers by IBM and Hewlett-Packard this week won't 
halt declining Unix server sales as the onslaught of x86 servers continues, 
analysts said on Tuesday.

But even the new chips will have little effect on reviving the declining sales 
of Unix servers, analysts said. Customers are increasingly opting for servers 
based on x86 chips, which are getting more powerful and entering markets 
traditionally dominated by Unix servers.

A lot of customers are switching to x86 servers because of lower hardware and 
software costs attached to acquiring and maintaining the systems, said Jim 
McGregor, technology strategist at In-Stat.


I guess this would also apply to supercomputers?

I think it's also the reason behind Micrsoft decision to drop Itanium support
Why the change? The natural evolution of the x86 64-bit (’x64′) architecture 
has led to the creation of processors and servers which deliver the scalability 
and reliability needed for today’s ‘mission-critical’ workloads,’” [Dan] Reger 
wrote. “Just this week, both Intel and AMD have released new high core-count 
processors, and servers with eight or more x64 processors have now been 
announced by a full dozen server manufacturers. Such servers contain 64 to 96 
processor cores, with more on the horizon.”
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