03.06.2010 14:01, Edward Martinez пишет:
On 06/ 1/10 11:59 PM, Edward Martinez wrote:
I just read AMD opterons and Linux is powering the
worlds fastest supercomputer. If the x86 platform and
Linux now  has the capacity to  produce this type of
results, where does  this leave Power and SPARC

The graphics here are interesting:



opensolaris-discuss mailing list

They are indeed interesting, but what  I find more interesting is that there are more X86 
platforms running linux then there are POWER platform running AIX and SPARC platforms running 
Linux/Solaris. when looked under "By Processor" from the top tabs"  SO, this 
makes me ask if POWER and SPARC platforms running AIX and SOLARIS are more superior then x86 
platform running Linux, then why are they not being used more to build supercomputers?
I believe reason is simple it is acceptable performace/price ratio for x86 hardware with regards to math calculations. You would not need all this visualization support provided by POWER and SPARC hardware and corresponding to them operating system for HPC. So why pay for something you wouldn't need?
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