> This is very true. At the same time there has to be a
> fine balance between operations and engineering
> support. Products should be easy enough for
> operations to get the day-to-day work accomplished,
> but have enough flexibility and control for experts
> to get under the hood for tuning and troubleshooting.
> No organization should be based on having armies of
> highly experienced and costly technical staff.
> Operations folks have to be able to take care of the
> bulk of BAU tasks so that the highly skill SA's,
> engineers, and architects can focus on solving real
> problems and building new solutions. Otherwise, the
> product becomes too complex to operate and manage,
> which is a bad combo when paired with expensive
> hardware and software. When that combo comes up, it's
> an easy target for disposal.

I'm not saying all support personnel have to be experts.
A diligent click-monkey is good enough to answer the phone
and take care of simple problems, _provided_ they don't
create more work than they do, and _provided_ the
simplicity isn't the deceptive sort.

For example: zfs mostly does a good job at providing
the appearance of simplicity for reasonably routine
uses, but frequently updated best practices documents
would be in order to advise as to configuration choices.
(For example: disks larger than what, or raidz larger
than how many disks, should use raidz2 for reasonable
safety?  How about raidz3?  How does using desktop
disks vs "enterprise" grade disks affect that choice?
I've seen that sort of thing discussed in general terms,
but if there are some reasonably straightforward
guidelines, I must have missed them.)  However, the
separation between the zpool command and the zfs
command at least roughly aligns with the difference
between laying out a suitable storage pool vs simply
dividing it up into filesystems or maintaining quotas
and such.

But for virtualization, especially with multiple ways
of achieving it (or at any rate, some approximation of it),
it seems to me that the configuration choices are
potentially far more complicated (the first example
that comes to mine: how many different
ways might one provide storage to client LDOMs?  which
ways would offer good performance and the freedom
to reboot any one control or service LDOM without
affecting the clients, how much complexity does that
add, and how does that complicate moving LDOMs
on the fly?). 

I don't think that (for example) Ops Center goes all that
far in providing a consistent illusion of simplicity of
management, at least not from what I've read thus
far (haven't had the opportunity to actually use it yet).

I'm certainly not arguing against powerful tools, even
reasonably easy to use ones.  I would prefer command
line ways of doing things in addition to a GUI, both for
scripting and recovering from major power or network
disruptions (where interfaces that might require access
to more ports, more authentication infrastructure running,
etc, might not yet be functional).

I think part of the problem is that simplicity is not only
deceptive, but is almost intentionally deceptive.  It's
typically a selling point of some powerful management
software how simple it is.  But without a very clear
presentation not only of what it can do, but of what
it can't (or worse, can sometimes but not always depending
on other circumstances), well, most places, understanding
and spending aren't done by the same person, although hopefully
some communication does occur to align them.

Does the seller of a product really have an interest in being
clear about its limitations?   In the long run, I think they do;
better a few less immediate sales and more customer loyalty,
than more sales right away and a lot of them never coming back.
The conflict goes beyond that though; when simplicity is
a selling point, great care is required to avoid treating
realistic appraisal of strengths and limitations as merely
something that distracts from the argument that life
will be simple if you just buy product X.

When someone peddling simplicity follows the "Miracle on 34th Street"
policy, and tells me that their product _can't_ do everything
I want it to, or even shocks me completely by telling me of
a better alternative from a competitor, then perhaps I'll
believe that simplicity isn't being oversold.

Here's one for you: starting to read the Ops Center documentation,
I see it mentioning LDOM software 1.2, while 1.3 is the latest.
And I see discussion of provisioning a control LDOM, but nothing
about an additional service LDOM.  Yet a configuration that
allows reboot of either control or service LDOM without affecting
the guest LDOMs requires both, and requires multipathing (via both)
for client storage and network.  The most robust and versatile
configuration (where one can maintain the infrastructure with
potentially zero impact on the guest LDOMs) seems not to be
discussed.  Nor does it appear that it can handle migrating an
active guest LDOM (which I gather requires 1.3, and has a lot
of constraints as to the circumstances under which it will work).

Now that's not even getting into containers (zones+resource controls),
but it sure looks to me that even with the added complexity
of Ops Center providing a (more superficial than I'd hoped) illusion
of simplicity for some tasks (status, inventory, provisioning), it's
a good bit more difficult than e.g. a managed vmware installation,
where not only can running VMs be migrated, that can even happen
automatically as needed.  (not to say that such a VMware installation
is _really_ simple either; they can get cranky too, but at what looks
like the present stage of the game, they have rather more managed
functionality, albeit at the cost of higher CPU overhead and quite
possibly higher power and cooling requirements)
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